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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Big Brother ~ Episode 6

FYI: This post has been in draft for days. For various reasons decided to publish it today, 7-24-11.

POV Competition ~ Alliances Visibly Cracking

During the recap of the Nominations Ceremony we see that after Jordan explains that her choice was strategic and she's gotta watch out for her and Jeff, Adam tells Mama's Boy to fight.

Adam in Diary, "Jordan told me that if I'm up on the block that I'm not the main target. So I gotta put a lot of faith in Jeff and Jordan. That's all I got right now"

We see Lawon hug Mama's Boy and tells him, "You gotta fight."

Mama's Boy in Diary, "Being put up on the block sucks. I knew I was the target coming in. I have big suspicions that Adam stabbed me in the back. He is a traitor. I think he's betraying me. So I have to win Veto or I'm done."

Jordan in Diary, "After talking to everyone, I felt like Dominic (Mama's Boy) was the ring leader of the group. So that's why Dominic's the main target. Even though I don't trust Adam, we have to work with him for right now"

Rachel in Diary, "Jordan what are you doing?! Cassi is the target to get out of here! Not Dominic. If I can't even trust you and Jeff to make the right choices at nominations, what am I gonna be able to trust you guys with going forward?"

Cassi and Mama's Boy talking in Have Not room. Cassi asked Mama's Boy if he's alright. He says he is and he knew it was happening. Cassi asks him if he feels like he has a shot. He says it all depends on the deal Adam made with JJ. Cassi tells him to cut a better deal. Mama's Boy doesn't like that idea at all.

Mama's Boy in Diary. "I tried to sell my soul to Jeff and Jordan before noms. Tried to keep myself off the block but that didn't work. So I can't trust my partner. I'm solo. I'm flying solo the whole way."

Lawon joins Cassi and Mama's Boy in Have Not Room. He tells Mama's Boy he has to fight. Adam walks in. Says, "Dang! Huh?" 

MB (Mama's Boy) asks Adam if he's alright. Adam says yeah. MB tells him we gotta win that Veto. Adams says something bout their backs against the wall and underestimating the heart of a champion. Adam tells MB they gotta stay classy. At this point you could feel/see the tension of the group in the Have Not Room.

In HOH Room Adam walks in and tells Jordan at least he gets a chance to fight for Veto. Jordan tells Adam she told Jeff that she thought Adam was upset and that Jeff needed to talk to him again. It's rehashed again between Jordan and Adam that he's not the target. She tells Adam the best thing to do for Veto is to sabotage it. That Team Rocky has his back.

Now Rachel and Bubbles are in Have Not Room talking bout how Cassi has to get out before they get separated. Rachel tells Bubbles Cassi's a floater. She doesn't play the game well. Lawon comes in.

Lawon in Diary, "I see Prosche and Rachel talkin. That is mischiveous. Those girls are always up to no good. I'm just shakin my head." (I agree with him.)

In the Bright Room we see Daniele and MB talking. Dani tells MB anything she tells him he cannot tell anybody cause its' for his benefit.

Daniele in Diary, "Even though Jordan nominated Dominic for evicition, there's plenty of game left to be played before Veto. So, I'm not stressing out just yet because there's a lot of moves I can make."

In Bright Room Dani tells MB she pushed and pushed to get Cassi out but they wanted him out. They both agree that Jeff and Rachel can't keep their mouths shut and will sink their own ships. (This is mostly likely more true of Rachel than Jeff IMHO)

MB in Diary, "My relationship with Daniele is definitely building kinda growin. I feel like there's a chemistry between us.....I think it's building into a sense of trust. We can actually maybe play this game together."

Dani in Diary, "I need Dominic to fully trust me in this game. I want Dominic making my moves. I need him to realize that my moves are gonna benefit him in this game, at least for now."

We see Dani telling MB that she's not here to pay for somebody's wedding or vacation and that everyone gets caught up being friends with people and that's what cost you in the game.

Dani and Rachel in washroom talking how they want MB to win the Veto and they don't trust Cassi.

Daniele in Diary, "I definitely do not hate Cassi but if I see a bus I'm not afraid to give her a little push.That way I can work with Dominic"

Rachel wants to know why Jeff wants MB gone so bad. Dani tells her it's cause they don't trust him. (DUH!)  Rachel says she trust him more than Cassi. (I'm on the fence bout Cassi but of the two I think she's the lesser evil)  Rachel and Dani are both agreed that Cassi's gotta go.

Now in the backyard we see Rachel, Brendon, & Jordan. Rachel is talking about how they, Jeff, and Dani are legit and Cassi cannot be trusted. Brendon says Cassi is super shady and she needs to get the hell out. Jordan just kind of nods and goes along with it.

Jordan in Diary, "Cassi just said one thing to Rachel about Porsche (Bubbles) and Rachel's blowing int waaay outta proportion.  It's a little bit exaggerated and a little bit dramatic, it's almost ridiculous."

Later in HOH Room we see Jordan talking to Jeff about how with Rachel she needs to be one way and she hates to feel like she's being two faced. She tells Jeff they're playin a game and they're slowly getting Cassi on their (Team Rocky) side. Jeff tells her to talk to Cassi if she wants and that she needs to relax. He also says he doesn't understand why everyone's ging crazy. 

Jeff in Diary, "Brendon and Rachel are putting a lot of pressure on Jordan and myself to get rid of Cassi. Cassi doesn't like Rachel and Brendon but she does like Jordan and myself. It is Jordan's HOH so we're going to do what obviously what benefits us. You kinda get fed up with game talk in the Big Brother House. And when you have people like Brendon and Rachel in here it's like that little gnat in your ear that you can't stand. That's kinda Rachel all the time. It's not our first rodeo...So Please Rachel relax. It's only two weeks into this game and already I can't take you. I need some Rachel Off" (AMEN! Rachel is ok in small proportions but I don't think I could live with her at all. At this rate I don't know how much longer Team Rocky is going to be in tact. Looks like lines are soon to be drawn)

Back in HOH Room we see Cassi and Jordan. Jordan tells Cassi that people are throwing her under the bus. Cassi says she knows. Jordan tells her it's cause she's pretty. Jordan reiterates that everyone is like Cassi, get Cassi out.

Jordan in Diary, "Rachel is jealous cause Cassi is beautiful. Rachel likes to be the center of attention."

Cassi tells Jordan what she likes is that they (JJ) are solid people and will make their own decision bout me.

Cassi in Diary, "This right here is why I didn't admit that I am a model. Because I didn't want this jealous  petty girl shenanigans to ruin my game. It's happenin anyway so I guess I coulda just been honest about it"

Cassi tells Jordan she's not gonna stress over it and just play for her self and Shelly.

Veto Competition Meeting:

6 players will play. The nominees (MB/Adam), the HOH & partner (JJ), and one other duo.

Adam in Diary, "I made a deal with Jeff and Jordan to throw the Veto and I still intend on doin that. Sorry Dom."

Jordan pulls Brendon/Rachel from the bag to compete in Veto.

MB in Diary, "I'm going in the Veto Comp against Jeff and Jordan, and then the super duo gets picked, Brendon and Rachel. Are you kidding me?! Wh am I bringing along with me? Come on Adam. Yeah, you're a 300 pound paper weight. This is horrible. I'm gonna get destroyed."

Dani is chosen as the Host for the Veto Competition.

Jordan tells the House that Big Brother will inform them when the competition is to begin. Good Luck.

After the Veto Comp selection meeting, Rachel tells Brendon let's go in here. (Pantry) She asks Brendon if he would be willing to change the nominations if they win the Veto. He says yeah. Rachel says she thinks JJ is doing what's best for JJ. Brendon tells Rachel they can't do this behind JJs back.

Rachel in Diary, "Jeff and Jordan are definitely working for themselves." (and Rachel isn't? o_O) "So Brendon and I gotta take control of the situation. We gotta do what we gotta do."

Rachel tells Brendon she's scared that Jordan is so easily influenced. Brendon tells her that's why she can't leave her alone with Cassi. She tells Brendon if they can make a deal with Dominic, pull them off the block, thy'll have a lot of power.

Rachel in Diary, "Cassi is a snake and a liar. So she's gotta go."

Rachel and Dani in Bright Rooom. Rachel tells Dani what she talked to Brendon about. Dani tells her that's really risky. Brendon enters. Rachel says they need to win and make a deal with MB.

Dani in Diary, "I'm super excited, that Brendon and Rachel are on bored wanting to keep Dominic in this House. But if Brendon and Rachel use the Veto, it's going to cause a huge upset in our alliance but in the end nobody's gonna be mad at me. I'm still gonna get what I want."

Racehl tells Dani, "'s not like we're turning on them. They're making bad decisions. (Whatever helps her sleep at night)

Veto Competition:

Backyard looks like Candy Store exlpoded. Dani dressed in some Candy Queen get up complete w/Lolluypop Sceptre, crown, robe, and cute heart shaped sun glasses.

Dani announces that players will be playing as individuals. 

Dani reading the rules, "The winner has the sole power to take one duo off the chopping block. To win this Veto simply be the first to chew enough gumballs to cover all the Xs on your canvas to complete your Veto portrait. On go, chew your gumballs one at a time across the balance beam and to your canvas."

Jordan in Diary, "Oh I'm gonna be good at this! I walk and chew gum all the time."

Dani, "If you fall you are eliminated from the competition UNLESS you are willing to accept wo weeks of Slop to continue in the race. BUT beware a second fall and you out for good.The first player to compete your portrait wins the Power of Veto."

Jeff in Diary, "Adam said he's gonna throw this competition. So as long as one of the verterans win Dominic's going home."

Brendon in Diary, "Jeff and Jordan don't know it but Rachel and I want to win the Power of Veto and get Dominic off the block and send Cassi out here. At the end of the day, Rachel and I are in here for the two of us." (Dun dun dun)

Rachel in Diary, "....I did gymnastics, Oh Awesome! I can totally do this!" (I hope she falls on her face!)

We watch as players chew and cross the balance beam. Some wobbling. 

Jordan is the first one out. She says that she'll take 2wks of slop but Jeff practically begs her not to. She finally agrees. In Diary Jeff says that she has no chance of winning and he didn't want her to be on Slop just to prove she has heart and is a good competitor. 

Rachel in Diary, "Jordan doesn't take the Slop and I get so frustrated. This just proves more than ever that Brendon and I need to take control back of this house."

During the Vet Comp Rachel gets catty and says, "...the HOH isn't palying then maybe we shouldn't be."

A few people say "Good Job Jordan" (didn't catch who but for sure wasn't Rachel)
Jeff says in Diary his blood is boiling and he can't stand little shots like that.

Shortly after Rachel falls and takes 2wks of Slop to continue. (her falling was not dramatic enough for me but the guaranteed Slop is hilarious!) Rachel continues to mouth, says she's just gonna miss wine. (Thinking of calling her Bitchel, really.)

Jeff in Diary, "What the hell is Rachel's problem? There's no reason for her or Jordan to take a 2wk Slop"

Rachel falls again. (Oh happy day!)

On the bench Bitchel says she's pissed. Brendon wants to know how he's doing. Bitchel tells him he's doing good, that MB almost has 2 circles filled, Jeff is more than half way done, and Adam is way behind. (even though Adam's plan was to throw this Veto he said in Diary he has bad balance and didn't learn to ride a bike til he was 21. Interesting, no?)

Bitchel continues to give Brendon the play by play. (Amazing the concentration of the players to tune her out. Except for Brendon who is clearly immune to her voice)

MB wins the Veto. 

In Diary MB says how he did it and he's not going anywhere. (DANGIT! He also forgets that his "partner" is safe, too.)

Immediately after the Veto Comp Jeff tells Bithcel he didn't appreciate her comments. Bitchel seems to be little confused as to why Jeff would be upset. That she just needs to do what she needs to do and not worry bout what Jordan does.

In Diary Jeff says, "...Rachel's running wild with her comments. Been a problem from the beginning. So, somebody has to set her straight."

Bitchel gets huffy shakes her head and tells Brendon she's done, it's over. (Team Rocky is cracking for all to see)

Bitchel recaps for Brendon what she said to set Jeff off. Brendon tells her she can't be saying things like that. Tells her don't worry bout it. You knew what was gonna happen. Why say that? You shouldn't take the Slop. If she wasn't you shouldn't. He tells her he's behind her 100%.

Brendon in Diary, "I cannot have Rachel freaking out. Especially in front of everyone. HELLO! Rachel! Come On! I love you but please baby use your head. "

Jeff tells Bitchel they'll talk inside & it's not nice what she said, putting people on the spot.

MB says it's some drama in the house right now. In Diary he says it's music to his ears.

(Really, Team Rocky shouldn't have had this blow up/discussion for all in the house to see)

Ever dramatic and not to miss a moment to show it, Bitchel goes to bushes/trees to cry. (we cannot see her at this point but can hear her. Could prob hear her even if no mic)

Brendon in Diary, "Jeff and Rachel got in a fight during the Veto. Now Rachel's crying in the bushes. I need her just to calm down. I can't have the rest of the house seeing this craziness going on in our alliance."

Brendon talking to Bitchel in the bushes. She says she's a competitor. She wasn't trying to prove she's better than Jordan. (BS! about the proving she's better part) Says Jeff had no right to yell at her. (Whatever. I say he had a right though not best idea to do so publicly)

Kalia in Diary, "Rachel going and crying in a bush is lame. If you're going to step up to the pate and step up to the dog and you're going to start calling all kinds of things out you better be able to back it up. Don't let your mouth write a check your butt cassh." (I'm really starting to like her)

Bitchel whining bout how she's embarrassed because she fell. (she should be embarrassed bout this scene she's putting on) Brendon tells her not to be embarrassed.  That she took a 2wk Slop with a chance she might win. He thinks that's pretty valiant. (I think it's stupid. Why take Slop unnecessarily) "You fight as hard as I do. I'm very proud of you."

Jeff in Diary, "Brendon has a level head. I know he's thinking exactly what I'm thinking, he's gotta calm Rachel down. Do whatever he needs to do. Pet her ego...Get her in check"

Lawon in Diary talks about how he had no clue what Brendon was doing. Praying, talking to himself, talking to a bush. "....Everybody really went crazy."

Brendon still talking to Bithcel. Tells her they'll go talk to them when everything/everybody is calmed down. That they're stepping up their game. They could very well put them (Brendon/Rachel) up. Tells her that she needs to keep all her emotions inside. She tells him she can't, that's why she's hiding in the bushes. She finally comes out of the bushes. Brendon hodls her tells her "Poker Face. Go straight to back room?" She says, "I'm hungry and I want some slop."

As Brenchel enter the kitchen no one says anything to them. 

Cassi in Diary, "The more dramatics and fights that happen in the house, especially between the veterans themselves, that I have no part in the better it makes me look in the long run. Rachel's shenanigans are absolutely okay two thumbs up with me. Keep diggin sister. Take Brendon with you."

Only Jordan says anything after Brenchel comes through. "Awkward. So awkward." 

In Have Not Room we see MB posing for camera and strutting his stuff (or lack thereof) 

In Diary MB talks bout how for the first time in this game one of the Vets hasn't won a competition. Right off the bat Rachel is screaming. Wonderful for him and for the house.

Adam in Diary saying how it couldn't have gone better. He did what he said. Dominic won Veto he's gonna pull em off the block. He kept his word and his off the block. 

JJ heads upstairs to HOH Room. Jordan tells Jeff not to be so mad. He tells her he's pissed he lost and that this isn't the Rachel show. He asks Jordan if she knew she was that far behind and why she wanted to go on Slop. Why'd Rachel get so upset? Jordan tells him she didn't know she was that behind and that maybe Rachel thinks that's the way competitors should be. Jeff says that's the way idiots are.

In Diary Jordan says she think Bitchel feels she has to win every compettion and if she doesn't it's the end of the world. And that Rachel's mouth is gonna get her in trouble. (Preach on Jordan!)

Jeff tells Jordan that Rachel should've waited til after the competition to say something not in the middle of it. Jeff basically says that's why people didn't like Bitchel last year and that she's (Rachel) insane. (Maybe she is but she's part dumb a lot of the time) Jordan says they still gotta work with them. Jeff says he can't with her mouth like that and it's gonna come to a breaking point.

In Diary Jeff wonders if Bitchel is more of a liability than an asset and that he knows they need Brenchels help to get through next couple of weeks and that the thought has crossed his mind to backdoor Brenchel.

Jordan tells Jeff she really doesn't want to put Cassi/Shelly on the block. Jeff says their team is starting to rattle.

In Bright Room Bitchel asks Brandon if Jeff is dumb enough to put them up. Brendon says no and that she (Bitchel) needs to go talk to them and apologize. She says she knows and she will. He tells her she has to mean it and two wrongs don't make a right. (Bithcel seems preoccupied rolling her eyes and seems bit huffy. A lot like a toddler not getting their way) Brendon says it's only week two and they're already falling a part. Bitchel says, "I could be a bitch and say I don't appreicate your girlfriend winning HOH cause we let her." Brendon says, "Oh My God! What are you saying right now?!" (clearly Bithcel has lost what little was left of her mind) He tells Bitchel to stop. Bithcel says no wonder America hates her. (Ding Ding Ding We have a Winner! It's her bitching/whining that gets on peoples last never and that laugh but really that could be overlooked if she didn't bitch all the time)

Later we see Brenchel go to HOH Room. Bitchel tells Jordan she's sorry and she was out of line. Jordan tells Bithchel she's not mad at her. Bitchel says she just gets so caught up in compettions she doesn't really notice what she's saying or doing. (or something like that) Brendon says there's no reason for them to be fighting and let Lawon win Big Brother. (LOL)

When Brenchel leaves the HOH Room Jordan tells Jeff Bitchel is "freaking nuts!"

Cassi and Shell go into HOH Room to talk w/Jordan. Jordan says how she wishes she wasn't HOH this week and how she likes everyone. And how Cassi/Shelly are the last people she wants to put up. Cassi asks if they've considered back dooring Brenchel. Cassi tells em to think about it and eventually they have to get Brenchel out. Cassi tells Jordan to watch her back. That Brenchel would do it to them in a heart beat.  Jordan points out the Vets automatically teamed up and that if she turns now the numbers are not in her favor.

In Diary Jordans says she confused and if she back doors Brenchel her whole alliance will be mad at her. She's torn between what's best for her or what's best for her alliance.

Jordan tells Cassi/Shelly she'll talk to Jeff.

When she talks to Jeff he says he'll stand by her. That they will be hard to beat later on.

Veto Ceremony:

MB uses the Veto to save himself and Adam. (No surprise)

Jordan replaces them with Shelly/Cassi. (Predictable)

Final Thoughts: 

I think Cassi will be out. Kinda stinks but you know someone has to go. As far as I can tell no one is worried/upset with Shelly at the moment. Plus, Shelly is secretly on the Vets side. I definitely think that Jordan would've put up Brenchel but smartly didn't want that fight just now. You always want numbers in your favor.