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Drama Seekers!

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Chopped Veggie

Last week I totally meant to blog about Sean and his Cub Scout Rain Gutter Regatta. Instead, I blogged about my new truck. Meant for this post to be done by the next day so it could go live but time got away from me. Shame Shame. Days later I am finishing up this post. It's been a busy kind of week.

So let's talk about the call I got last Thursday morning about 11am. It was from Hubs telling me that he had taken Sean's Regatta Boat to work on while he was out of town. At that point in my head I was thinking, "YAY! I didn't lose it! Sean didn't lose it!" THEN Hubs told me HE lost it and could I please go buy another and help Sean with it since he would not be home in time to do so. I told him I would but that it was going to be a close call and I was not happy. I was visiting my BFF with mine and Nana's dog in tow to see the Vet. Turns out the Vet wasn't able to see the dogs but that's another story. BFF says she'd help if needed and I so could've kissed her. She was already working on sewing numerous patches to Bridge's Daisy Vest. 

I rushed to the Scout Shop to get the boat and paint. Then to the hardware store to get sandpaper. To save time, me and BFF sanded, painted, and marked the bottom where the rudder and keel would go. YAY US!! I made a call to Sean's Art Group Therapy teacher and told her that due to emergency Scout business Sean would not be at group. I felt horrible but what could I do? He gets out of group and home just in time to go to Scouts. We needed that time.

When I picked up the kids from school I told them what had been decided and what we needed to do. To curb the disappointment I told them we'd still go to QT and they could get whatever snack/drink they wanted. I'm awesome like that.

Got home and the girls, for the most part, did what I asked them to and stayed out of the garage and our way. I know it killed them to be inside watching cartoons and not out working on a boat with us. Meg may have popped her head into the garage 2 or 3 times but that was it.

Because I am not smart enough to take my laptop to the garage, or rather wanted it out of danger, we were using my cell phone to follow web directions on making an awesome Rain Gutter Regatta boat. I showed Sean how to sand the boat since it needed another sanding, why I have no idea. He did a bang up job. But some of the pretty blue paint came off. Oops. Sean wanted to paint it some more and I said ok. Instead of using the paint I bought that dried quickly I let Sean talk me into the white spray paint, the fact I left the paint brush at BFFs house might have helped that decision. Before we could paint it, I suggested we might go ahead and attach the rudder and keel. So I showed him the diagram and showed him how to use the tacky glue. Then, I showed him how to spray paint the sides white. He did pretty well and only had too much paint and bubbles on one side. While that dried I let him loose with sharpies to decorate the sail. He decided that since I said no to violence he'd draw a knife, an onion, and lettuce. We then had to think of a name. Some how we landed on Chopped Veggie.

While the boat still needed to dry I told him we should clean up our area and go get cleaned up and ready to go. By the time it was time to leave Hubs was home and showing me my new truck. Sean then proudly showed him his Regatta Boat. 

Get to Cub Scouts and find out we put the keel or the rudder, I don't remember which, on the wrong way. Like upside down or something. I have no idea how it happened except that we were looking at a diagram and I was doing my best not to take over. It is supposed to be mostly a Scout thing after all. Scout Leader told us it was ok and Sean could participate. YAY! Cause for half a min I was freaking out thinking, "OMG I failed my kid!!"

Commence the racing. Starting with the younger Scouts up to the older ones (Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos 1 & 2, though I don't think we had Webelos 2). The girls are antsy thereby making me antsy and ready to just leave. But we stuck it out.

Finally, its Sean's Den is up. I watched all the heats. Hubs called out to him to not watch the guy he was racing but pay attention to his boat. I just kept watching Sean. I was so stinking proud of what I saw I wanted to shout it to the world. Sean was watching the racers ahead of him and taking note of their style. Getting an idea of what was working or not working and how best to approach this thing we have never done. (In CS Rain Gutter Regatta boys blow wind into the sail to make the boat go). He was also patiently waiting his turn and not whining or anything. He took suggestions from us and kept doing his thing. In his heats he only got 1 X, 2 Xs meant your day was done. By the end when it was coming down to who would place 3rd, 2nd, and 1st, Sean had some of his Den/Pack mates and other parents cheering him on. That, made my heart nearly burst right there. This is the kid that for 2 years was frustrated by his Pine Wood Derby experiences. He got 1st Place in his Den. That earned him the chance to race for Overall Regatta Winner.

He got a new card for racing. Commence the heats. When his turn during the heats came up he had us and other Pack mates and parents cheering for him. He was eliminated early on and didn't place in the Over All. He was bummed for a minute that he wouldn't get a trophy. We just kept telling him how AWESOME he did and how PROUD we were of how well he did and not just the winning 1st in his Den. THEN, others in the Pack started to pat him on the back and tell him how great he did. Man, it was an AWESOME evening for sure.

No one could believe that we had put that boat together in less than a day. Lucky me it didn't need special tools. I decided against too much shaping of the boat and thought simple was best. Good call, no?

That night as I was tucking Sean in he asked if I could help him next year with his Pinewood Derby Car. I laughed and said, "Remember when I said I know nothing about boats?" He nodded. I said, "Well, I know less than nothing about cars. We'll see, though. Maybe I can consult." 

Sean at dinner last night showing off his new Webelos 2 rank. So forgot to snap pictures last week.

Side view of Sean's Regatta Boat

Front view of Sean's Regatta Boat
His Den Medal

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Beast

So let's talk about the Beast. I guess it could be considered by most to be a Mini Beast but to me it's most definitely the Beast.

The Beast is a Trailblazer EXT. Beige (or whatever special color name they gave it). My new truck. Our new (to us) family vehicle. I don't even care if it's beige. It's beautiful. Bye Bye good 'ole Buick Regal. We've had a good run but we're definitely over.

Yesterday, Hubs got home from his 2 day business trip to Houston. YAY! I must say I really missed him, like I always do when he's gone. But this trip was a tad different. While he was in Houston he found a new truck for us. For me, really. A new family vehicle. He and his colleague spent a whole day looking for it. They were on a mission and apparently the vehicle gods were smiling down on them. Maybe even with a wink of humor? You see, I was completely sure I wanted a Chevrolet. Why? Call it ingrained from birth. Anyway, I told him that what would be best for us would be either an SUV like a Traverse or Suburban or an mini van. Any of those would definitely fit our family of 5 comfortable with room to spare.  They looked at 2 Explorers, 2 Trailblazers, and a Suburban. The Trailblazer won. For probably male reasons or maybe just cause it's what I said I wanted. Could be one of those reasons or a combo. 

Can I just say how amazing it is to once again have a vehicle with air conditioning. We live in Texas y'all, A/C is pretty much a necessity. We did have to go a little longer without A/C than we had planned. For sure he definitely found a new truck for us (me) sooner than I expected. Next to the A/C the pluses  are: all windows go down, room for us and a little more, remote lock/unlock w/alarm, and I now no longer feel like I am going to be road kill for other SUVs and such. My old Buick had no A/C and only 2 windows that went down. True, it's better than only one or no windows going down. It was hard enough for me to grin and bear it. Add 3 complaining kids, and well grinning and bearing it got a little tougher. I was never so happy to hear the news when he called. Since apparently he also posted it on FB first and I hadn't responded yet. After that I was pretty much in countdown mode. 

It's taken a bit for me to adjust to driving the Beast. Still adjusting as a matter of fact. It is quite a bit bigger than my old Buick. Yesterday evening, while driving to Sean's CS Rain Gutter Regatta I noticed a few small details that screamed he thought of me. He texted me saying he was having it cleaned and fluids changed. Pretty much standard when you buy a used car. I reached to change the radio station and realized I had hit a preset button. Just an autopilot thing. I didn't even consider I was in a new to me vehicle. Then I noticed there was a vent air freshener. I asked what scent it was. Hubs said it was cucumber melon. It hit me all at once, he had seen to every last detail he could think of. I could've cried right then. But I didn't. I was still processing. 

So this morning when we were driving to run errands I told him I noticed it. And that those two things meant the most to me, small as they were. It speaks volumes of the love he feels and how much he wanted this vehicle and me to easily mesh. 

Love that man of mine! Such a lucky gal. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

30 Topics ~ Almost 10 Influencers

~ The List ~ 

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrasing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people misundertand most about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for. 

9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.

It's been awhile since I have worked on this list of topics. I must admit this one stumped me. I wanted to skip it and come back to it but decided not to, obviously. So in no particular order, really.

1) My Dad ~ He is stronger than he may ever know. I can only imagine how difficult it was for him when my Mom died and he was left to raise a 5mo old baby girl by himself. So there were a few things we both could've done without but it made us stronger. 

2) My Husband ~ He is really a great man, husband, and father. He makes me want to be a better person. He is always working hard to make our lives better. I feel he doesn't always know how appreciated he is. And there are those who think he doesn't do enough. I am blessed that he helps with the kids a lot and lets me have me time almost anytime I need it.

3) My MIL ~ She is a strong lady. She took me in and treated me just as her own. It was one of the first things she said to me when I moved in with them years ago when Hubs and I were just dating, that she would treat me as her own, and she always has. She is strong in her faith and even though our religions are different and disagree on somethings, she helped to put me back on the path of embracing my faith.

4) My BFF ~ She's truly the most magnificent friend a gal could have. To say she's been there for me whenever, through thick and then, and then some, would probably be an understatement. If I need to talk or vent or whatever, you can bet she'll be there to listen. She'll tell me in no uncertain terms what she thinks. She'd probably say I do the same for her. I think the fact that neither of us can recall how we came best friends speaks volumes. I would drop anything to get to her and help if she needs me. She also had a hand in getting me back into church and rebuilding my shaky foundation.

5) My Kids ~ Just like my Hubs, they make me want to be a better person. I believe that not only do they grow everyday but so do I. They have taught me how to just be and it's okay to be completely silly just to be silly. They have taught me to be more patient and understanding. To look at things from a new perspective and find solutions and strategies that may not be the norm to some. 

6) My Family ~ So we are or have been dysfunctional at times. Maybe mine is more so than others. They've taught me it doesn't matter what the separation is, family is family and it's forever. You don't choose em. You can bet when one calls and is need someone will have the right words or can help. That you are always welcome. And hopefully something I can say soon, doesn't matter how long you've been a part it's like it never happened. 

7) Step Mom 2 ~ Not all influencers are good ones. She taught me that there can be true evil/meanness in people. She showed me who I do not want to be. Even though her goal was to tear me down and make me a shell of a person. Instead, she helped to strengthen me and show me what I am made of.




I can't seem to find 10. I am sure there are 3 more but I am drawing a blank. So I guess 7 will have to do. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Smile and Pay Attention

You ever go out and about minding your own business and somebody smiles/waves at you and you nicely return the favor? Or maybe you're the type of person that wonders why the hell that crazy person is waving and smiling at you. I like to smile at people but will only wave to a) those I know or b) if I am waved at. Yes, I am that annoying person that will give you my dazzling smile when you are all sour face or worse.

The point of this? I need to pay better attention to those that wave at me. Yes I do.

Sunday at church in my small group class, I sat in a different spot that usual. I sat next to a nice couple G and W. Well, W turns to me and says, "I saw you at HEB and smiled and waved. You were so nice, you smiled and waved back. But I don't think you recognized me." Basically I smiled and told him I am sorry I didn't recognize him. I was just in my own little world and focused on getting the shopping done. He smiled and chuckled and said maybe next time.

You'd think that'd be the end of it. But no. In worship service another lady, J, came to where I was sitting. She said, "You got your hair done at Grand Salon, right?" I said, "Yes, I did." She says, "I saw you there but I don't think you recognized me." I literally laughed out loud and said, "You are the second person today to tell me that I didn't recognize you. I'm sorry I was just in my own little world." She smiled and said something about being out of the element, I think.

Anyways, I think this clearly means I need to snap out of my own little world zone and pay better attention. It probably doesn't help that I have a really hard time of putting names to faces out and about in public. Or something like that.

All I can say, is I am really glad none of these people saw me at Wal Mart with my kids. I swear that place makes me the crazy Mom no one wants to be. I have found that at Wal Mart I am more likely to scream at my kids than any other store.

Please tell me I am not alone in running into people that I should know/recognize that clearly know/recognize me and just wave and smile clueless to the fact we actually know each other.