I added intense debate to my blog for comments. In the process I blinked and selected a wrong choice. Imagine my surprise when I went to view my blogs and I had no comments. NONE! OMG!
After a little freak out, I took deep breath. Realized that I could still see the old comments but they were no longer public. I can still see and appreciate them in my comments section.
I appreciate all my readers and those that feel the need to comment. I am not gonna lie and say I don't mind not getting comments, but I do love getting comments. I. Love. It. As does any blogger, I'm sure. We like to be reminded we have actual readers. Even though we can see that our blogs are getting hits. It's still nice to know. By the same token, I wanted to let my Readers know that I didn't purposely delete comments from public view. That I love and appreciate the time they take to read my blogs and even my Vlogs. I love that I have readers and people who want to comment! LOVE IT!
So for my lovely readers
Big Bloggy Hugs to all y'all!
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