Big Brother 13
Well it's summer time. Summer time means a lot more than just kids out of school. About the time I start to go crazy with my 3 kids at home (or at least in the vicinity) all day long along comes my guilty pleasure.....
What? Don't look at me like that. Chances are you like it, too. Even if your a closet fan.
Let the madness begin with Big Brother 13!
Meet the House Guests:
The Newbies: Adam, Cassi, Dominic, Kalia, Keith, Lawon, Prosche, & Shelly
One of the twists is that House Guests are paired up in teams. Right after that was announced another twist, former House Guests returning.
Returning House Guest Teams: Brendan/Rachel, Jeff/Jordan, and Evel Dick/Daniele
OH MY GOD! I know!
I was so shocked by the return of these guests I didn't pay much attention to the Newbies.
Adam: What do you make of a over grown motorcycle looking dude in touch with his feminine side? He could be an interesting character.
Cassi: Not sure what to make of the relocated Tx gal. She could be a dark horse type. We didn't learn much about her from tonight.
Dominic: A Mama's Boy in the house y'all! I hope he's got a hidden back bone or something. He's gonna need it.
Kalia: Did she say she was a Blogger and compare herself to Carrie Bradshaw? Interesting. I think she's got more than she's showing. I think I like her.
Keith: I just don't know what to make of him. I think he said he was a minister or something and he doesn't talk like any minister I ever heard. He uses biblical quotations like pick up lines. This, turns me off him completely. Sorry, you just don't use the bible quotes for personal gain or to give yourself permission to be a player.
Lawon: The guy grates on me. He just does. No reason I can pin point. We'll see. Maybe he'll surprise me. He describes himself as Handsomexy (gag me, please)
Porsche: Enter the blonde waitress. *sigh* Not sure bout her. She lasted the longest in the HOH competition of the newbies. Though she appears like a wind could knock her over, she may be made of tougher stuff.
Shelly: The "Mom" character. She looks like she deals more crap than she takes.
The Newbie Pairs: Dominic/Adam, Kalia/Lawon, Cassi/Shelly, & Porsche/Keith
Kalia and Lawon basically got paired cause they weren't picked by the others. Kalia didn't look thrilled. Can't blame her, I wouldn't have been thrilled either.
The HOH competition had the pairs hanging on giant bananas being sprayed with chocolate sauce and whip cream. Who comes up with these ideas? Anyways, it didn't take long for the newbies to start dropping like flies. In the end, it was Rachel left on her and Brendan's banana and Dick and Danielle on theirs. Began the talk of deal making. Rachel swearing that Dick/Danielle will be safe if they drop. Dick drops. Danielle makes double checks she's safe. Then she drops.
Rachel wins first HOH of the season. This makes her partner Brendan safe for the week. Another twist, teams are voted together for eviction. the one who eludes eviction wins The Golden Key!
the Golden Key....OOOOOhhhhh The last twist of the premiere. The holder of the Golden Key cannot be elected for eviction. Nor will they compete in the HOH competitions. But they will vote for eviction. This will last til there are 10 House Guests left.
The Newbies better step it up. So far the returning House Guests are schooling them. One of the house guest said something about any preconceived notations they had are now gone. Say What? This is BB13! House Guests should really know better, that is all.
Final Thoughts:
I am very intrigued by teams and The Golden Key. The Golden Key seems only fair to the team member not evicted. Rachel may be annoying but she and Brendan are a strong team. Jeff/Jordan, love them. How can you not? They're just so cute together. Dick/Danielle, definitely gonna be some drama going on. That is if we believe they haven't talked to each other in 3 years. That could be strategy.
So, there you have it. My recap, such as it is. I saw it in bits and pieces as I was monitoring kids bath time.
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