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Drama Seekers!

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Goat Man - a night of mischief and mayhem

Well, I haven't participated much in Mama Kat's Workshop in a long while BUT when I saw Topic #4 for this week, I knew I had to.

I asked my BFF if she would like to post a story about me y'all may not know. I am pretty sure she cackled with glee. I kind of got worried cause well we've known each other forever and there are any number of stories that no one ever needs to know. It should definitely be entertaining. So sit back and enjoy.

With that, I proudly introduce my BFF, Everline. On Twitter she is @everline2002. She rarely blogs these days but when she does you can find her at


It has been forever since writing a blog, and when my bestest BEST friend gave me pretty much free reign for a blog topic that I am pretty sure she'll put more details about somewhere on here while making sure that I didn't put anything that has gone past the statue of limitation and is not able to be prosecuted in the post.  That said, it has been a hard time trying to figure out what NOT to write about.  We have well over 17ish (give or take a couple of years) as friends, so there are a ton of fond memories to pick from.  There was one about our first time making home made gravy.  That one is fun and entertaining, but not quite what was in mind.  There are several about when both of us were new moms and a few crazy things that happened then. However, there are always posts, blogs and other forms of media that deal with our children (which we call the brat pack when all 5 are together).  So, I thought I would "tiptoe through the tulips" of our earlier memories and tell y'all about a sleepover that ended with a very well earned grounding.


It was back when we were in high school.  Paulette was a junior and I was a sophomore both attending Burleson High.  My mom allowed this sleepover reluctantly (there had been some nasty results from my 16th birthday party the month before that Paulette luckily missed) and we decided to have as much fun as two teenage girls could have in a full night.

First, we started with telling ridiculous stories and legends that we were learning in school and reading on our own.  We can across a wonderful scary story called the Goat Man.  Here is the actual legend:

The Goatman Legend

Of all fantasy-creatures who is said to live in lonely, often romantic places, is the appalling and dangerous Goatman, a creature you should avoid at all costs. He is one of the USA's most horrific monsters: half man, half goat. He appears on quiet roads, often in the state Maryland, with a shiny axe that he uses for chopping up teenagers.

The police have always had problems catching the Goatman because his strong legs and endless stamina always allow him to get away. No one knows exactly where he came from. Legend has it that he is the result of a top-secret experiment, approved by Washington, D.C. and conducted by the local authorities. Something went tragically wrong.According to rumors, a scientist was conducting experiments on animals to improve human's physical abilities.

 Unfortunately, an experiment with a goat went horribly wrong. A power failure took place and a strange mix occurred. When the smoke settled, the scientist had become a monster, some part man, some part goat. Insane with disappointment and fear of what would happen to him, he ran screaming out into the night. The Goatman was loose...Because of his grotesque look, the Goatman developed a special hatred for young, pretty teenagers and his life is now dedicated to killing them. 

Some of his victims survive because they are in cars when the attacks occur. It appears the monster likes to jump up on the cars and scare the heck out of them. When particularly blood thirsty, he chops the tires so they can't get away. The evil creature then drags them with him, deep into the forest, where he consumes them with great pleasure.Maybe he is just a story to scare away young couples from places where they can be alone and make out. Or, maybe not. My advice: if you have to stop, lock your car doors, and look around for anything strange. Do not stop the car in the middle of the woods under any circumstances.
Story Submitted by Pellika

This story by itself is harmless fun, but Paulette and I couldn't leave it that tame.  Not with my little brother standing at the door waiting for good gossip.  At the time he was maybe 12 years old, and at this age it was easy to prank him.  So we edited the story to change the location to make it local and added that if we wanted to have the goat man kill anybody that all you had to do was prick your finger, write the victims name in blood, then wad up the paper and toss it out the window.  Whoever had their name written on the paper would die within 24 hours.

By the time we finished telling each other the story and adding to it as we went, we announced that we would write my brothers name in blood and see if the legend was true.  So, that said we got a red permanent  marker and wrote his name on the paper, wadded it up and tossed it out the window.

While we were dying of laughter knowing that we had freaked him out big time, Mom came in the room and boy was she hacked off!  We got the lecture about how we were to treat him how we wanted to be treated and that if we did it again that she would call Paulette's Dad and we very much wanted to avoid that.  So, we went on to do girly things, and Mom kept my brother out of the way for the rest of the early night.

Around 5 in the morning, my brother woke us up wanting french toast.  I had just learned how to make it at school and figured since Paulette was the omelette master, I would make her the world's best french toast because I wanted to impress her.  So, I get out the eggs, butter, and bread and was warming up the frying pan.    

To get my little brother out of my hair, I made his four pieces first.  As I was getting to Paulette's, the pan was smoking really bad and the living room was filling up with black smoke.  I was trying very hard to make her french toast as pretty as my brothers, but it wasn't happening and I was lost as to the reason.  After I burned the 5th piece of toast, there was a LOUD banging on the window.  After telling the story of the Goat Man and since it was still before 6am and dark, we panicked over who it could be and went to open the front door.

Man was Mom beyond pissed off!  She apparently went to get doughnuts for us as a surprise, and before we started making the french toast I double locked the door for safety not noticing her absence from the house. She saw the black smoke filling up the house with the fact that she could not get into the house and well, long story somewhat shorter, Paulette had to go home a little earlier than expected.  Mom waited till around 7:30  and then went to talk to her Dad about our adventures for the night.

Honestly, I don't remember if Paulette got into much trouble beyond our 2 weeks no telephone grounding that nearly ended my life as I knew it back then.  Out of all the sleepovers and all the nights out, of which there were plenty that we drove both our parents bonkers with, this is the one that sticks in my memories with the greatest amount of detail and the most fun we had at that age.  I almost shudder to think of what our daughters will come up with when they hit those ages.....


See there, told ya it'd be entreating. I actually cannot remember what my Daddy said to me after that fiasco. Pretty sure I got an earful about proper behavior and all. So, what are some antics you and your bestie got up to, or do we want to know? We for sure would love your feed back about this post. ;)

Mama’s Losin’ It

Writing Prompts:

1.) What did you want your name to be? (inspired by Mommy Boots)
2.) Share one of your favorite things. (inspired by Jenbshaw)
3.) Neighbors.
4.) Ask a sibling or close friend to guest post on your blog for a day. Have them share a story about you that we might not have heard before.
5.) Name a celebrity you would like to be your “in real life” friend. What makes him or her a perfect match for you?


  1. If we base it off of the stories from when we were younger, our kids are in trouble! I'm afraid to see what they'll pull off!

    1. I know, right?! It's scary. All my best stories are really ones I can't tell them til they are well into their 30s are more. Wouldn't want to give them any ideas.

  2. Too funny! Why am I just now finding out about the goat man!??!??

    1. I barely remember the Goat Man story, if she hadn't included it I'd still be lost. I am not even sure who or where we first heard it. Was a rather fun night, though.

  3. I forgot about it till asked to guest write :) I am not sure where the original story came from, but it was fun to prank little brother :D

  4. My blogspot profile picture is me at Goatman Bridge (really Old Alton Bridge). I admit, strange things did happen there, but I never saw the Goatman! I bet R's mom liked it when I spent the night. I was such a good and quiet child. O:-)

    1. Is that Lighting I see streaking across the sky? LOL! I was good and quiet, too. Most of the time.


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