Sunday before last, January 22, after Bridge and I got home from a GS Table Top Cookie Sale both Meg and Sean ran to the car screaming that Casey would not come out from under the back deck. As calm as I could I told them to not worry. Let Mama get in the house, set her stuff down, and I'll go get her. Turned out that was easier said than done. Casey refused to come to me. Just laid under their looking all sad and no pep, nothing. Like she was willing to stay there and die. How I managed not to lose it right then and there I do not know. Sean went crawled under the deck and gave Casey a small push. That got her to head towards me. With permission from the in laws I was able to bring her in, bathe her, and they allowed her to stay in. (Since we moved here my dogs became backyard dogs) It was unexpected nice gesture on their parts and I appreciate it.
After cleaning her up and seeing there seemed to be no obvious injuries I contacted the vet. It seemed forever is how long it took to get a call back. But she did call back. We all thought it was likely something Casey ate or got into in the backyard. After a visit to the vet's house (she runs a low cost clinic on the side to supplement income/pay off schooling) I felt hopeful Casey would be fine. She gave us some meds to control the vomiiting, gave her some injections to kick start the antibiotics and help to spark an appetite. After several days of Casey being in the same listless condition and still not willing eating I called her again. Last Saturday night I took her and dropped her off at the vet's. She was going to take her in to her work for lab work and x-rays. Turns out Casey kidneys were failing. But after flushing her kidneys the labs were looking better. Casey still would not eat. They had to force feed her. After she ate her lab levels (I do not know what levels refers to) got worse. At breakfast yesterday morning, hubs made the call that putting her down was kinder than putting her through anymore.
Around dinner time I got a message from my BFF. I had missed the vet's call and BFF's call. She texted or maybe it was tweeted me asking me if we could talk. I called her and she said the vet wanted me to know that after she talked to us that morning that she ran the labs again. She was puzzled that Casey looked so young and healthy yet her labs were not good. In that short span of time it is my understanding that Casey's liver failed. Even if we had chose to bring her home, put her on special diet, and give her at home treatments 2-3 times a week, it still would have been a matter of hours or days. That's no way for a beloved pet her gave her heart and soul to this family to die.
While it hurts an extremely lot, I know she is better off as a four legged fur baby angel in Heaven. She was there for me always. A better lap dog I have never had. One of my best memories of Casey is her laying on my big ole tummy when I was pregnant and on bed rest with Meg. We all affectionately said she was hatching Meg. I also think that Casey would've known if something was going wrong w/my pregnancy and alerted me. She was well behaved. Knew the sit and speak command. She knew down too but never liked it. She'd lay in bed til someone peeped their eyes open. Then shed' give you the look and bounce on you to say, "I need to go out!". These are memories I will keep. The loving memories of a dog hubs brought home cause a co-worker could not keep her.
My tribute to Casey, such as it is. Casey is the Pom mix.
This is a Vlog I did for Vlog Talk sometime ago.
These next videos were one I took with a camera I used to have and edited on my computer. I was new to YouTube and well...the rest is history as they say. The first one is rough cause I hadn't learned yet I could edited sound not did I realize how loud the TV was (happens a lot in houses w/little kids).
This one show Casey's personality to perfection.