Um ok this one is gonna be little strange but just go with it.
The only thing I can think is that I must watch entirely too much TV. Why? Cause last night's dream or dreams (still unsure it was 1 dream) involved almost all things TV.
First there was Prince William and Princess Kate (or is it technically His & Her Grace now?) I blame this on the TV recaps I watched throughout the day. Throughout the day I had random thoughts of wondering when the stick came outta their butts. Not Prince William and Princess Kate (or His & Her Grace) but you know England as a whole, sort of. Follow me here down the randomness that can be me. The thoughts I thought throughout the day ended up in a dream I cannot exactly recall.
Random Royal Thoughts of the day:
1) Why was William allowed to marry Kate? Not that I don't think they're a lovely couple but don't royals usually have to marry titled or people who come from titles?
2) Upon seeing Sir Elton John, If the Queen is Protector of the Faith why is he knighted? Not that I have an issue w/lifestyle. I am firm believer you live the way you want and I am no person to be preaching to you bout wrong or right. I can accept you either way. Why do English people (or Europeans in general) seem to be more accepting of that sort of lifestyle? While most of us Americans who left the tyranny of England are not so accepting of it.
3) Why was Charles allowed to marry Camilla? Why did the Queen seem okay with this? I mean I know years and years ago the would be King abdicated his throne so he could marry a divorcee which simply wasn't done but he did it anyway. Thus we have the royal family of today.
Ok, that was pretty much it.
Second part of dream or second dream had Elliott Sadler, Dale Earnhardt Sr, and Dale Jr as young boy of like 7 ish.
I was talking to Elliot Sadler after a win and he did a back flip like Carl Edwards does. I asked him why he did that when he knows it's Carl's thing. He informed me Carl stole the idea from him.
Later in dream I meet Dale Sr and he's working on his car, that famous black #3. There's Dale Jr as a rambunctious little boy. Dale allows a photo op. I set my purse down and somehow manage to sound intelligent. As the photo is about to be taken here comes Dale Jr running right at me and head butts me in the stomach. Dale handles it well cause I laugh and say "It's ok, I know how rambunctious little boys can be. Maybe he'd like to be in the photo, too?
The rest is all jumbled into a massive blur of stuff I can't recall. What does it all mean? I can tell you I have never dreamed about the Royals before. Definitely never dreamed of NASCAR drivers ever.
Interesting, no?
My life and the crazy drama that goes with being a Mom and then some. Some days it's plain crazy but definitely never dull!
30 Day Song Challenge
30 things
30 topics
angry birds
Back Street Boys
being who you are
best friends
best memory
big brother
big hugs
blog talk
breaking taboo
catching up
clay bowls
cocker spaniel
cooking mishaps
crocodile tears
cub scouts
daddy daughter day
daddy fail
date night
dream celeb date
ear piercing
fire alarm
first job
fun with water
garden hose
get over myself
Girl Scout Camp
Girl Scouts
good friends
growing up
guest post
guilty pleasure
hand written
hiccup cures
horror movies
in memory
in the know
kids toys
kids with cameras
Klout Perks
Klout VIP
lack of time management
learning by doing
letter writing
long drives
lost art
make up
mama hat
married young
Mommy Brain
momy fail
monkey brains
my story
new blogger
New Girl
New Kids on the Block
new truck
new TV shows
party trick
Positive Tuesday
questions kids ask
rambling rawness
red writing hood
santa photos 2011
school holidays
shampoo and conditioner
silent wars
sleep over
small things matter
so you think you can dance
song stuck in my head
suck up
Terra Nova
Throat Punch Thursday
tooth fairy
TV Shows I Mss
tweet story
vlog talk
water hose
what scouts learn
word of mouth
word vomit
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless/Wordful Wednesday
writer's workshop
young love
Drama Seekers!
Welcome to my blog. Please make yourself comfortable while you look around. If you like what you see, please subscribe via E-Mail or RSS Feed. Have a Great Day/Evening!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
That Loft Bed
HA! Does that even need explaining? Well, maybe.
I'm not sure how many know of my kids loft bed other than my BFF (no I will probably never stop using this term) Rach. I cannot even recall if I've ever tweeted about it.
The loft bed is actually a bunk bed wanna be. Before we moved in here with the in laws it was a simple loft bed that Nana only rarely had to make. (once or twice a month) 3 kids, 1 one room, only 1 bed...soulution toss mattress on floor under it and it makes a red neck version of bunk beds. Odd kid out gets pallet on floor. Currently that is Sean. He has recently (going on 2wks now) decided he cannot sleep anywhere in that room and now sleeps on a pallet in our floor. No big, he usually ends up there in middle of night anyway.
Anyways, here's a Vlog about the loft bed and how I make it. (at least daily, on wash sheet days this is little more intense)
No, I don't always look this lovely and put together. No, I don't leave the house looking like that. Yes, I make the bed this way every day unless by some miracle a kid or kids has done so. If kids make it, I leave it the way they made it. Not usually a popular choice for some in the house.
And a picture of the fiished results. No Vlog for the bottom bunk, no one needs to see that. ;P
I'm not sure how many know of my kids loft bed other than my BFF (no I will probably never stop using this term) Rach. I cannot even recall if I've ever tweeted about it.
The loft bed is actually a bunk bed wanna be. Before we moved in here with the in laws it was a simple loft bed that Nana only rarely had to make. (once or twice a month) 3 kids, 1 one room, only 1 bed...soulution toss mattress on floor under it and it makes a red neck version of bunk beds. Odd kid out gets pallet on floor. Currently that is Sean. He has recently (going on 2wks now) decided he cannot sleep anywhere in that room and now sleeps on a pallet in our floor. No big, he usually ends up there in middle of night anyway.
Anyways, here's a Vlog about the loft bed and how I make it. (at least daily, on wash sheet days this is little more intense)
No, I don't always look this lovely and put together. No, I don't leave the house looking like that. Yes, I make the bed this way every day unless by some miracle a kid or kids has done so. If kids make it, I leave it the way they made it. Not usually a popular choice for some in the house.
And a picture of the fiished results. No Vlog for the bottom bunk, no one needs to see that. ;P
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Writer's Workshop ~ Ms P Drama Explained
This is in response to Mama Kats Pretty Much World Famous Writer's Workshop.
This weeks prompts were:
1.) Describe a time you spoke up for someone who couldn’t speak up for themselves.
2.) The Royal Wedding…ten gift ideas.
3.) What is going on in the bedroom? Describe a memorable sleeper.
4.) Photo Story: Take a walk through your neighborhood this week and share some pictures of what Spring looks like where you live.
5.) Something embarrassing that happened at school.
This weeks prompts were:
1.) Describe a time you spoke up for someone who couldn’t speak up for themselves.
2.) The Royal Wedding…ten gift ideas.
3.) What is going on in the bedroom? Describe a memorable sleeper.
4.) Photo Story: Take a walk through your neighborhood this week and share some pictures of what Spring looks like where you live.
5.) Something embarrassing that happened at school.
Bonus Vlog Option!
6.) Tell us the story behind the title of your blog. What is it? What inspired it? What other options did you consider? Are you happy with it?
6.) Tell us the story behind the title of your blog. What is it? What inspired it? What other options did you consider? Are you happy with it?
6) Bonus Vlog Option.
I'm fairly new to blogging and have never ever thought of attempting a Vlog til Mama Kat threw out the challenge. Hopefully the Vlog isn't to heinously bad. I had many attempts at trying to make it sound and look the way I wanted. Let's not talk bout the fact that my camera was sitting on stack of stuff as I had no camera person. DH still thinks the blog thing is nuts and he doesn't get it. So I didn't ask him for help. Only other person around is Meggie. No way am I handing her my camera to take her stab at being director/producer. That'd just be a comedy of errors right there.
Enjoy =D
Enjoy =D
new blogger,
writer's workshop
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Is it 5 yet?
So today is just one of those days that seem simple but really it's not. So far. You know days where you don't think you have much to do but you kinda do. Days like oh I have plenty of time, no hurry. OMG what time is it?!
1) Keep reminding DH I want 2 NKOTBSB concert tickerts, floor seats preferred. Keep doing this everyday til tickets or proof of purchase are in my hands. (Don't ask!)
Today's agenda:
1) Keep reminding DH I want 2 NKOTBSB concert tickerts, floor seats preferred. Keep doing this everyday til tickets or proof of purchase are in my hands. (Don't ask!)
2) Take Daisy to vet.
3) Take Meg to lunch at McDs
4) Go to Wal Mart buy DS emergency pair of jeans. (He has 4 pairs, all but 1 have holes in them and cannot be worn to school. Had plans to wash his good pair and he'd wear shorts to school. He disregarded shorts and got jeans out of dirty clothes basket.)
4) Fit in laundry and cleaning house.
3 and 4 order optional.
I lazed this morning. Had crazy idea Meg was going to stay home w/DH while I take Dog to Vet. Forgot DH had to work. Added Wal Mart and McDs to list of things to do today.
While getting ready to go to Vets, I realize my wedding ring is not on my finger! Realize it's not in jewlery box or anywhere I usually keep it. 15 minutes later, find it in night shirt pocket. Why is it there? No clue. Don't recall putting it there.
Got to vets like 20m early cause I read the only clock in house set to be fast.
Forgot the must of go potty before leave house. Meg's busting a gut (me too) she needs to go potty. Vet office hasn't got public bathroom. Distract Meg and show her cool stuff on ph since rearranging Vet Office magazines got boring.
Finally! Daisy done. Vet gets through her weekly speech bout Daisy. I say this because it's the same info every week. Only today added, "Daisy seems stressed and we don't want to stress her so come back in 2 weeks instead of 1." YAY! We have 2wks to figure out how the heck we're gonna pay the bill.
Take Daisy home. Start laundry. Get distracted from Wal Mart and McD trip cause had to get my new song off DHs Mac Book and onto my iPad. This sounded way simple but really wasn't. Totally shoulda known to mess w/it later. Meg reminds me she's hungry so off we go to McDs.
NOT! This is where I realize I have lost my keys. They are no where I usually leave them. (Purse, counter, peg board) About 10 min later find them in front door. Leaving keys in door is not something I usually do.
Only, McDs way packed so we go to Wal Mart instead. Wal Mart mostly uneventful. Except on way out saw woman with bath towel wrapped round her hair. What in the hell are people thinking to go out like that?!
Turns out going to Wal Mart first was a good call. Not long after sitting at McDs school nurse calls. Sean has peed on his shirt and can we bring him a shirt cause he is having fit over boring one from nurse's office. Attempt talking sense to Sean about borrowing a shirt from the nurse. He's having none of it. I hear things like "Why are you never home!" "Why you gotta take Daisy to Vet take care of her yourself!" Decide it's no use, give in, "Ok I'll be there in 10 minutes, let me talk to the nurse, please." Grab Meg, grab her food, hit door running to go give Sean a clean shirt. Try explaining to Meg how Sean peed on his shirt and how girls usually don't have this problem.
Get home (again), realize Meg has food, I don't. In the rush, I threw away my lunch! Thankfully, not my Dr Pepper just the food. There's money wasted but okay, leftovers it is.
I'm really wondering if the rest of the day is gonna be like this or if regularly scheduled programing will return. Right now, it's 2:oo pm (ish), I've managed to do 2 loads of laundry and p/u kids room.
All I can think is...It's 5 O'Clock somewhere....
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Positive Tuesdays
~ Lunch With Meggie ~
It's hard not to get frustrated with the things life can throw our way. It's so easy to let it get to you. This is especially true for parents. Kids have this way of really pushing our buttons and then...
Well sometimes if we just stop and listen we'd be amazed at what they say.
Yesterday (Mon, April 25) I was sitting down to lunch with Meggie. I'd love to say that she and I eat lunch together lots. Fact is we don't. I'm usually doing some chore at lunch time. I fix her something. Get her seated at table. Then I'm off continuing whatever it is I was doing or need to do. There she sits, alone. But yesterday, yesterday was blessedly different.
There we sat eating Spaghetti-Os. I looked at her and I said, "How are you doing today?"
She says, "Good."
Then I glance at the array of toys in living room. Some under tables. Some in center by My Little Pony Nursery house thing. Then a collection of horses by fireplace. I ask her, "What's going on with your toys in the living room? That looks interesting to Mama."
She says, "Oh my horses are at a Staff Meeting. They are discussing very important things."
"Wow! They are busy today."
"Yes, and the babies are asleep. So shhhh ok."
"Ok. Thanks for lunch."
"You're welcome, Mommy."
Meggie is 4. I have no clue how she knows about things like staff meetings but it was so great to get to sit with her and talk. Even when the talk is nonsense to us adults.
Monday, April 25, 2011
It's Monday Darlings
Do you see that there on the plate? Of course you do. Who could miss it. Can you tell what it is? Let me tell you, that right there is why I tend to think Mondays are the devil.
You'd think that getting up and making a simple and nutritious (ok delicious) breakfast of cinnamon rolls would be easy. Under normal circumstances, you'd be right. How can you mess it up, right? Leave it to me, that's how.
Preheat oven. Check.
Take rolls out place on baking sheet. Check.
Put Baking Sheet in oven. Check
Set timer. Check.
Place frosting to the side. Check. Hey wait don't those come with lids? Oh well.
While waiting for cinnamon rolls to be done I got Meggie yogurt to ease the waiting period (stop the whining). Wash dishes in sink. Watch a bit of news. You get the picture...
"It's done Mommy! There done! MOMMY!"
Take cinnamon rolls out of oven. Place on stop top. Let cool minute. Frost. Serve. It's all so simple. Really it is.
Then I sat down to eat mine and there on hubby's plate was that lid. I just busted out in laughter mania. (you know the kind that borders on hysterical?) I truly didn't mean to do it. Then it hit me harder...I barely missed the lid being off the frosting. Didn't think bout it at all.
The laughter from me, getting more hysterical as I realized that it was under that cinnamon roll when it was cooking in the oven. Images of Lisa Douglas from Green Acres flitted through my brain. This I thought is what she'd do in the modern world of cooking. Today, I am the modern version of Lisa Douglas only difference, my cinnamon rolls were excellent and edible despite that silly lid being left under one cinnamon roll that just happened to land on hubby's plate.
Happy Monday, Darlings!
Friday, April 29, 2011
I am sharing My Awesome with Momma Made It Look Easy you can too!
cooking mishaps,
Friday, April 22, 2011
Bathroom Light Battle
See this...
It looks innoncent enough, right? It's just a light switch. In fact, it's our bathroom light switch. Look closely, it's kinda fancy. It has off position, on position, and an auto position. Yet this simple little switch is the source of a silent battle in our house.
I know y'all are sitting there thinking, How does a light switch cause such turmoil? Maybe some of y'all have even figured out what it's about. In any case, let me tell you it's that auto position. Yes, the auto postition.
When set in auto mode the switch is a motion detector and turns the light on when movement is detected. If after a few minutes there's no movement the light turns off. Cool, right? Pop installed it shortly after we moved in as the kids were forever forgetting to turn out the light. (The whole turn the lights off when you leave a room is still a work in progress some days.)
Me, I like this switch. I think I may be the only one. I love that the light comes on when I enter. This makes putting towels up or getting dirty clothes out easier. Not to mention the coolness factor of the light coming on as I enter the bathroom.
Yet, everyone else with the exception of Pop have the OCD need to turn it off. If they see the light on they switch it to off. Never looking to see if it is in fact in the on or auto postion. I think they're missing the whole genius of this cool switch. I think I must say several times in any given day something like, "Oh it's on auto. It'll go off in a minute or two."
I complain when the light is in off postion. I'm spoiled by that light switch. I think should I ever get complete reign over a house of my own again I want several of these type switches. The others whisper bout how stupid that switch is and they wished Pop never installed it. I tend to tell those that express dislike for the switch how much I like it. And how it's such a useful little thing.
I fear that this silent batlle may never end. So it's a complete Mexican Standoff. They'll keep turning it off. I'll keep setting it on auto during the day. At night time, I concur that it's more of a nuisance than helpful.
Thus that innocnet looking switch is really an evil mastermind of disruption. Sadly, my troops are out numbered. It's just me against them. I may be fighting a losing battle over that switch but I control that switch Mon - Fri from 7am - 6pm (ish).
I'm Just A Light Switch, right? |
It looks innoncent enough, right? It's just a light switch. In fact, it's our bathroom light switch. Look closely, it's kinda fancy. It has off position, on position, and an auto position. Yet this simple little switch is the source of a silent battle in our house.
I know y'all are sitting there thinking, How does a light switch cause such turmoil? Maybe some of y'all have even figured out what it's about. In any case, let me tell you it's that auto position. Yes, the auto postition.
When set in auto mode the switch is a motion detector and turns the light on when movement is detected. If after a few minutes there's no movement the light turns off. Cool, right? Pop installed it shortly after we moved in as the kids were forever forgetting to turn out the light. (The whole turn the lights off when you leave a room is still a work in progress some days.)
Me, I like this switch. I think I may be the only one. I love that the light comes on when I enter. This makes putting towels up or getting dirty clothes out easier. Not to mention the coolness factor of the light coming on as I enter the bathroom.
Yet, everyone else with the exception of Pop have the OCD need to turn it off. If they see the light on they switch it to off. Never looking to see if it is in fact in the on or auto postion. I think they're missing the whole genius of this cool switch. I think I must say several times in any given day something like, "Oh it's on auto. It'll go off in a minute or two."
I complain when the light is in off postion. I'm spoiled by that light switch. I think should I ever get complete reign over a house of my own again I want several of these type switches. The others whisper bout how stupid that switch is and they wished Pop never installed it. I tend to tell those that express dislike for the switch how much I like it. And how it's such a useful little thing.
I fear that this silent batlle may never end. So it's a complete Mexican Standoff. They'll keep turning it off. I'll keep setting it on auto during the day. At night time, I concur that it's more of a nuisance than helpful.
Thus that innocnet looking switch is really an evil mastermind of disruption. Sadly, my troops are out numbered. It's just me against them. I may be fighting a losing battle over that switch but I control that switch Mon - Fri from 7am - 6pm (ish).
silent wars
Thursday, April 21, 2011
I am on a roll today! This is my 3rd blog today. But I just have to blog this. Wanted to last night but it was after midnight when I got home and it was so not gonna happen. Besides I was basking in the afterglow of my impromptu date.
Yesterday was just one of those days that snowballed into the catastrophe that was the tub faucet not shutting off when I filled tub with bubbles for Bridgette. If you follow me on Twitter you know that the dogs had vet appointments, Meg got McDs for lunch, and well so on and so forth with things like that.
By the time my lovely hubby got home it was round 7:30p. By then I was fed up with our kids. They were fighting over anything and everything. Separating them only had them attempting to hit ea other with blankets from across the room. Then when all that finally settled down and my rattled self finished dinner of Tyson Chicken Nuggets (the fun shaped ones) and green beans Rob came home. For the third day in a row BIL griped bout dinner. Excuse me! I thought. I mean I made dinner and I fix what my kids will eat and that I also like.
After kids being read a story and tucked in and the decision mutually made to allow Sean to sleep in pallet on our floor w/o the usual trying to get him to sleep in kids room I was playing Words with Friends and sighing heavily.
Brilliant hubby orchestrates getting us out of the house. I think why the hell not lets go. (this is one pro of living with the in laws) Only I think we're just going to the store to get the shampoo and cologne spray Sean is so worried I didn't get while I was out. So, I don't change clothes. I haven't had a shower at all. I look typical Mom like, Old T-Shirt and comfy jeans. Hair confined for SAHM duties. Tennis as old as my Bridgette on my feet.
At first I was all like I don't want to go to the movies. Especially after closest theatre to us wasn't showing anything starting soon. Hubby decides, let's go to the other theater and see what times they have. I started to feel the stress leave. The OMG how long has it been since we've done something even remotely connected to spontaneous?! Other movie theater not showing anything at the moment either. No big, we decide to go hang out at Fridays til closer to time for Arthur to start.
At this point, I'm about half in and half out of a good mood go with the flow of this vibe. Then Dave orders me a drink. A mojito. The best damn drink ever! Ok, maybe not ever but it is at the top of my list. Bonus part, he knows it and I didn't have to think about this decision. For some, that might not be cool. Might be how dare you presume to order for me. But not me! I usually practice the habit I learned as a child from my daddy, tell the man what you want and he orders. Only, Dave sometimes hate that I don't place my own orders but he goes with it. For him to order my drink that easily was AWESOME!
I moved to sit next to him instead of across. This prompts happy smiles and giggling. Yes, giggling from two 30+ yr olds who've been married 15+ yrs. Me insisting we snap pics of the moment and my drink. Then we order food. Him Jack Daniels Burger, me this amazing appetizer of Spinach and Flat Bread!
Arthur is the greatest movie ever! Ok, maybe not ever. But I enjoyed it. At 10 something at night it was me and hubby snuggled together like we were teens again watching this movie. There was only one other couple in the theater, teens of course, or maybe they were 20somethings. I laughed. I cried. Laughed some more.
Was still crying when we got to car. Why? Happiness of course. Which is exactly what I told hubby on the way home. 15+ yrs later and happy tears still baffle him. Go figure!
I named the mouse, Impromptu. (in case anyone was curious)
Yesterday was just one of those days that snowballed into the catastrophe that was the tub faucet not shutting off when I filled tub with bubbles for Bridgette. If you follow me on Twitter you know that the dogs had vet appointments, Meg got McDs for lunch, and well so on and so forth with things like that.
By the time my lovely hubby got home it was round 7:30p. By then I was fed up with our kids. They were fighting over anything and everything. Separating them only had them attempting to hit ea other with blankets from across the room. Then when all that finally settled down and my rattled self finished dinner of Tyson Chicken Nuggets (the fun shaped ones) and green beans Rob came home. For the third day in a row BIL griped bout dinner. Excuse me! I thought. I mean I made dinner and I fix what my kids will eat and that I also like.
After kids being read a story and tucked in and the decision mutually made to allow Sean to sleep in pallet on our floor w/o the usual trying to get him to sleep in kids room I was playing Words with Friends and sighing heavily.
Brilliant hubby orchestrates getting us out of the house. I think why the hell not lets go. (this is one pro of living with the in laws) Only I think we're just going to the store to get the shampoo and cologne spray Sean is so worried I didn't get while I was out. So, I don't change clothes. I haven't had a shower at all. I look typical Mom like, Old T-Shirt and comfy jeans. Hair confined for SAHM duties. Tennis as old as my Bridgette on my feet.
At first I was all like I don't want to go to the movies. Especially after closest theatre to us wasn't showing anything starting soon. Hubby decides, let's go to the other theater and see what times they have. I started to feel the stress leave. The OMG how long has it been since we've done something even remotely connected to spontaneous?! Other movie theater not showing anything at the moment either. No big, we decide to go hang out at Fridays til closer to time for Arthur to start.
At this point, I'm about half in and half out of a good mood go with the flow of this vibe. Then Dave orders me a drink. A mojito. The best damn drink ever! Ok, maybe not ever but it is at the top of my list. Bonus part, he knows it and I didn't have to think about this decision. For some, that might not be cool. Might be how dare you presume to order for me. But not me! I usually practice the habit I learned as a child from my daddy, tell the man what you want and he orders. Only, Dave sometimes hate that I don't place my own orders but he goes with it. For him to order my drink that easily was AWESOME!
I moved to sit next to him instead of across. This prompts happy smiles and giggling. Yes, giggling from two 30+ yr olds who've been married 15+ yrs. Me insisting we snap pics of the moment and my drink. Then we order food. Him Jack Daniels Burger, me this amazing appetizer of Spinach and Flat Bread!
After our enjoyable dinner I head to bathroom. Where I happily wash hands and face, search for my lip gloss in my purse, giggle a bit while puttin it on and pinching my cheeks. Then we head to theater to see Arthur.
As we walk in hubby asks if I'd like quarters for the claw machine. That claw machine is a weakness. I hardly pass one w/o attempting to win something. Last time we were at the movies it was for my birthday. I don't remember what we watched but I do remember dropping an enormous amount of quarters into the machine for a frog and pouting that I didn't get a birthday frog. This time I was gonna get something! I was goin to have a momento of this night.
The claw macine gods smiled down on me. Four attempts (I think it was only 4) I had my prize in hand and was doing the happy dance for all to see.
Arthur is the greatest movie ever! Ok, maybe not ever. But I enjoyed it. At 10 something at night it was me and hubby snuggled together like we were teens again watching this movie. There was only one other couple in the theater, teens of course, or maybe they were 20somethings. I laughed. I cried. Laughed some more.
Was still crying when we got to car. Why? Happiness of course. Which is exactly what I told hubby on the way home. 15+ yrs later and happy tears still baffle him. Go figure!
I named the mouse, Impromptu. (in case anyone was curious)
date night,
Writer's Workshop ~ All Things Celestial
This is in response to Mama Kat's Writers Workshop. Today's prompt choices are:
1.) Something students these days should know.
2.) If my Mom were a blogger.
3.) Describe a phone call you won’t forget.
4.) A list of 10 Celebrity DON’TS
5.) Write a poem about your favorite place to be.
I chose Prompt 2: If my Mom were a blogger
I sadly do not know a lot about my mom other than what those who knew her tell me. She was taken from me when I was 5mos old. If she did blog I imagine it might be as follows:
Friday, April 8, 2011:
To my darling daughter who has braved the earthly world on her own, I am so proud of the woman you have become. I cannot wait til the day we can hold each other again. Til then, I do so hope you enjoy my blogging attempt.
It's a shame that the course of life took us from each other my darling girl but while I'm here in Heaven I think I shall blog about it. Of course, I first had to figure out what a blog was and why it seems to be all the rage of late. Lord knows I've seen some trends in my days, both on earth and from up above. This one though, seems to be a keeper. What inpired me, I think it was watching you try your hand at blogging and adding a 30 Day Music Challenge to the mix. I however, cannot take the 30 Day Music as many of the artists I might list are residing and that could cause troubles amongst them and me. Instead, I'll give y'all some dish about heavenly goings on without crossing the line of right and wrong too much, I hope. I might also add of my motherly advice to things you are experiencing.
April 13, 2011:
Clearly I have not taken this blogging as seriously as my daughter seeing as how this is my first post in 5 days. You'd think that being up here means I have loads of time on my hands. Sadly, I don't really. I'm of course busy watching over you and then there are our chores. What?! You did know that chores never really go away, didn't you?
Well in any case, we do. We all pitch in to help keep heaven heavenly. Today was my day to go collect the recyclables. Of course, some take recycling more seriously than others. As is the case on Earth, too. Now really, it seems to be the same thing every week no matter who is picking up the recycling around here. Walter, that old codger, never does set out any recycling. Of course, Faith is his next door neighbor. She thinks it's her responsibility to educate him without fail every week of recycling. While one must admire her resolve I really think it's time she just let it go.
Imagine my surprise when I stopped by their houses today and not only did Faith have her bins out but Walter did, too! What in the name of heaven got into him?
Then it happened.
As I was driving off I saw them sitting together on his porch sipping iced tea and giggling. Of all things, giggling! I dare say they are headed down the road of courtship and isn't that just lovely! Wonder how long the peace tween them will last?
Friday, April 15, 2011:
Oh My Darling Daughter! I think your song choice today is funny. I've seen you dance and while it is a pleasing sight I must concur you have no rhythm. I think it comes from you dad's side. I could tell you stories about our younger days that would make your hair stand on end and laugh at the same time. I did my fair share of dancing! Someday I shall tell of the grand times your dad and I had. Man was he the life of the party. He sure did rock and roll a bit and I sure did dance! I'm forever glad that my sense of fun has passed onto you, sorry couldn't pass on the dancing gene.
Mon, April 18, 2011:
Well, it's official! Faith and Walter must be a serious couple! They sat together in church yesterday. It's so cute to watch them. It made me think of me and your Dad and the days we had like that. I know you are struggling with what he's going through with his cancer. I am glad that you are there for him and that he has such good people around him. I'm even happier that you have just as good a support system around you. Keep your chin up my darling girl! You are so much stronger and braver than you know. I love you!
This is just my take on what a blog from my Mom might be like. I feel like she's with me at all times celebrating my good moments and supporting me through the bad.
1.) Something students these days should know.
2.) If my Mom were a blogger.
3.) Describe a phone call you won’t forget.
4.) A list of 10 Celebrity DON’TS
5.) Write a poem about your favorite place to be.
I chose Prompt 2: If my Mom were a blogger
I sadly do not know a lot about my mom other than what those who knew her tell me. She was taken from me when I was 5mos old. If she did blog I imagine it might be as follows:
Friday, April 8, 2011:
To my darling daughter who has braved the earthly world on her own, I am so proud of the woman you have become. I cannot wait til the day we can hold each other again. Til then, I do so hope you enjoy my blogging attempt.
It's a shame that the course of life took us from each other my darling girl but while I'm here in Heaven I think I shall blog about it. Of course, I first had to figure out what a blog was and why it seems to be all the rage of late. Lord knows I've seen some trends in my days, both on earth and from up above. This one though, seems to be a keeper. What inpired me, I think it was watching you try your hand at blogging and adding a 30 Day Music Challenge to the mix. I however, cannot take the 30 Day Music as many of the artists I might list are residing and that could cause troubles amongst them and me. Instead, I'll give y'all some dish about heavenly goings on without crossing the line of right and wrong too much, I hope. I might also add of my motherly advice to things you are experiencing.
April 13, 2011:
Clearly I have not taken this blogging as seriously as my daughter seeing as how this is my first post in 5 days. You'd think that being up here means I have loads of time on my hands. Sadly, I don't really. I'm of course busy watching over you and then there are our chores. What?! You did know that chores never really go away, didn't you?
Well in any case, we do. We all pitch in to help keep heaven heavenly. Today was my day to go collect the recyclables. Of course, some take recycling more seriously than others. As is the case on Earth, too. Now really, it seems to be the same thing every week no matter who is picking up the recycling around here. Walter, that old codger, never does set out any recycling. Of course, Faith is his next door neighbor. She thinks it's her responsibility to educate him without fail every week of recycling. While one must admire her resolve I really think it's time she just let it go.
Imagine my surprise when I stopped by their houses today and not only did Faith have her bins out but Walter did, too! What in the name of heaven got into him?
Then it happened.
As I was driving off I saw them sitting together on his porch sipping iced tea and giggling. Of all things, giggling! I dare say they are headed down the road of courtship and isn't that just lovely! Wonder how long the peace tween them will last?
Friday, April 15, 2011:
Oh My Darling Daughter! I think your song choice today is funny. I've seen you dance and while it is a pleasing sight I must concur you have no rhythm. I think it comes from you dad's side. I could tell you stories about our younger days that would make your hair stand on end and laugh at the same time. I did my fair share of dancing! Someday I shall tell of the grand times your dad and I had. Man was he the life of the party. He sure did rock and roll a bit and I sure did dance! I'm forever glad that my sense of fun has passed onto you, sorry couldn't pass on the dancing gene.
Mon, April 18, 2011:
Well, it's official! Faith and Walter must be a serious couple! They sat together in church yesterday. It's so cute to watch them. It made me think of me and your Dad and the days we had like that. I know you are struggling with what he's going through with his cancer. I am glad that you are there for him and that he has such good people around him. I'm even happier that you have just as good a support system around you. Keep your chin up my darling girl! You are so much stronger and braver than you know. I love you!
This is just my take on what a blog from my Mom might be like. I feel like she's with me at all times celebrating my good moments and supporting me through the bad.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Positive Tuesdays
~ Positive Tuesdays ~
This is my new idea. It's away for me to share something positive. Doesn't neccessairly have to be from today. Just whatever from last week that was truly positive in some way or other.
So for my first Positive Tuesday Post, I want to talk bout my son Sean. He's 9. As many know he can be a handful and we struggle a lot with him. But yesterday he had such a light hearted and happy moment that it was infectious.
It all started when I asked him if he would mind feeding the dogs. He asks if he can change their water, too. I say, "Of course you can. Just remember to dump the old water into one of Nana's plant beds.
"He says, "okay."
He comes in a bit later and tells me he fed the dogs, changed the water, and watered Nana's plants and his cabbage plant. (I know this already cause I was peeking and saw what a time he was having." I say, "Excellent! I'm so proud of you and Nana will certainly appreciate it!"
He says, "I want Nana to think I'm responsible cause sometimes I don't think she does."
I think, sadly, sometimes we underestimate him. With all the troubles we have with him he really is the dearest, sweetest child. Often he does nice things just cause he decides to. I tell him, "Honey, while it's true you sometimes make bad decisions you also make lots of really good ones. We all love you and know you can be responsible when you choose. Thank you so much for your help and doing more than I asked. It was very smart of you to go ahead and water the other plants, they needed it I'm sure."
He says, "But I couldn't roll hose back up. I'm sorry."
Me, "Don't be sorry honey. You did your best. I'll go fix the hose, not to worry."
Seeing his face as he was watering the plants and laughing at the dogs trying to avoid the spray of the hose just made me smile. I just had to share this!
After feeling so bad earlier today the memory of this flooded back to me and I knew, I just knew that everything will be okay. I also took the moment a little farther by starting my Positive Tuesdays. Bear with me while I sort the kinks out of how to make this work and share it. If you're curious to how this came about please see Positive Tuesdays Beginnings .
What's your Positive Tuesday?
If you'd like to participate please leave a comment and your link.
Positive Tuesday
Positive Tuesdays Beginnings
So this morning I was feeling kind of down. I couldn't tell ya why, I just was. Maybe it's a combo of things.
I feed Meg breakfast. Normally I join her but I just wasn't hungry.
Instead I take the moment to start laundry. This leads to putting up kids jeans from last night (no way ever do I put their clothes up at bedtime whether they're sleep or not). As hubby leaves for the day I sigh and "Sean doesn't have a pair of jeans w/o holes. I hope he doesn't get in trouble at school." I don't clarify my worry further. (I'm sure he got my point, yes we bought them new shoes, all of them even though Bridge was the most in need. Now we need to get new jeans and oh yeah it's warm now so shorts, too.) Instead I ask him to please hug Meg before he goes as I do not want a repeat of yesterdays meltdown cause daddy didn't hug her goodbye.
I'm rather proud that I didn't allow myself to go in worry straight to panic mode over those damn jeans. We try our very best to make sure the kids have what they need. To heck with school and there stupid no holes in jeans rules. These are elementary kids! They are hard on clothes! We are doing our best to survive right now. So if the school calls or sends a note home, I so hope I can convey that will do our best to fix the issue ASAP.
But then...I forgot it's Tuesdays with Connor for my BFF Rach. I am a bit envious I cannot join or have my day with her. At the same time I don't want her to feel bad for having fun and getting out of the house. Lord knows I do it as often as I can when hubby is home. Even if it's just to run an errand kid free. Too many times me and Rach have to sneak whatever time we can get. For some reason unbeknownst to us even when we make plans the universe has other ideas. Plus, she is kid free most of the day as both her darlings go to school all day. Me? 2 of my 3 go to school all day. Add to the fact that my car has been giving me fits lately. Hubby fixing what he can when he can just to keep the old thing running. He also tends to use my car over his truck. I can't for life of me recall why just now but I think one reason may be that it gets better gas mileage than his truck.
Then as beds are made, Meg is occupied (with PBS kids and my iPad), I decide to take a bath. I remind Meg not to answer the door or the phone. Double check doors are locked and no one can harm my darling baby w/o my noticing. I start bath, tune on Pandora to listen to Jane Monheit station. Again proud that I didn't chose music to fit my down mood but something to lift/relax it. I say to myself, I. Will. Not. Allow myself to go down this road. This road leads to insane crying and sometimes anxiety attack. Commence filling tub and resisting urge to use girls princess bubble bath.
While soaking I am thinking but not, ya know? Then I think I should blog bout Sean and watering plants yesterday. That leads me to wonder if I could successfully start a Positive Tuesday blog posting? Would anyone want to particiapte? Would anyone even notice/care since I'm new blogger and all? I mean, I barely know which end is up on this blogging thing. I guess I'm faking it til I make it. *shrug*
So here it goes any way. I'm sure I'll figure out how it's all gonna work along the way. Of course, helpful thoughts and advice along the way will be truly appreciated. =)
This has been Positive Tuesdays Beginnings.
I feed Meg breakfast. Normally I join her but I just wasn't hungry.
Instead I take the moment to start laundry. This leads to putting up kids jeans from last night (no way ever do I put their clothes up at bedtime whether they're sleep or not). As hubby leaves for the day I sigh and "Sean doesn't have a pair of jeans w/o holes. I hope he doesn't get in trouble at school." I don't clarify my worry further. (I'm sure he got my point, yes we bought them new shoes, all of them even though Bridge was the most in need. Now we need to get new jeans and oh yeah it's warm now so shorts, too.) Instead I ask him to please hug Meg before he goes as I do not want a repeat of yesterdays meltdown cause daddy didn't hug her goodbye.
I'm rather proud that I didn't allow myself to go in worry straight to panic mode over those damn jeans. We try our very best to make sure the kids have what they need. To heck with school and there stupid no holes in jeans rules. These are elementary kids! They are hard on clothes! We are doing our best to survive right now. So if the school calls or sends a note home, I so hope I can convey that will do our best to fix the issue ASAP.
But then...I forgot it's Tuesdays with Connor for my BFF Rach. I am a bit envious I cannot join or have my day with her. At the same time I don't want her to feel bad for having fun and getting out of the house. Lord knows I do it as often as I can when hubby is home. Even if it's just to run an errand kid free. Too many times me and Rach have to sneak whatever time we can get. For some reason unbeknownst to us even when we make plans the universe has other ideas. Plus, she is kid free most of the day as both her darlings go to school all day. Me? 2 of my 3 go to school all day. Add to the fact that my car has been giving me fits lately. Hubby fixing what he can when he can just to keep the old thing running. He also tends to use my car over his truck. I can't for life of me recall why just now but I think one reason may be that it gets better gas mileage than his truck.
Then as beds are made, Meg is occupied (with PBS kids and my iPad), I decide to take a bath. I remind Meg not to answer the door or the phone. Double check doors are locked and no one can harm my darling baby w/o my noticing. I start bath, tune on Pandora to listen to Jane Monheit station. Again proud that I didn't chose music to fit my down mood but something to lift/relax it. I say to myself, I. Will. Not. Allow myself to go down this road. This road leads to insane crying and sometimes anxiety attack. Commence filling tub and resisting urge to use girls princess bubble bath.
While soaking I am thinking but not, ya know? Then I think I should blog bout Sean and watering plants yesterday. That leads me to wonder if I could successfully start a Positive Tuesday blog posting? Would anyone want to particiapte? Would anyone even notice/care since I'm new blogger and all? I mean, I barely know which end is up on this blogging thing. I guess I'm faking it til I make it. *shrug*
So here it goes any way. I'm sure I'll figure out how it's all gonna work along the way. Of course, helpful thoughts and advice along the way will be truly appreciated. =)
This has been Positive Tuesdays Beginnings.
new blogger
Monday, April 18, 2011
F.I.N.E. You Can't Choose Your Family
F.I.N.E = Frustrated Insecure Neurotic and Emotional
(as defined by Rach. You can find her over at It's all her fault.....*wink* )
Funny how family makes one feel F.I.N.E on a consistent basis.
Okay so it's true. Most of us can't choose our family. Sure you choose your spouse but then their family becomes your family. If you're lucky you have a family you love and don't mind being around. Yes, this goes for in laws.
I'm blessed. I truly love my in laws even though we are vastly different in a lot of ways and some times (ok, often) butt heads. They are like my own just as I am to them. This goes beyond the love/respect that is between the bearers of the grandchildren.
Right now, I wish I could do more for Mom aka Nana aka MIL. There's been a lot of drama going on. Not, I'm not privy to all that's going on but it's the same crap that always tends to happen surrounding 2 of the 7 siblings. Of course one of the 2 is now pulling her stunts again, we'll call her Trouble (not original but fits). Only this time it's at the worst moment. Grandma's brother past away over the weekend. She left last week to be with him. Hubby and I (ok hubby) took Grandma to get new tires on her car so she could safely make the trip. Grandma didn't have the money to replace tires. Mom/Dad didn't have it either. She asked us if (ok Dave) would help Grandma out. We were willing and able. Not expecting anything in return. Just helping where we can. We found out later that Grandma told Mom that she'd pay us back. She told her the same thing Dave told her, we didn't want/expect repayment. Grandma told Mom that God would bless us.
Well, since Grandma was out of town apparently Trouble needed help. Mom being the oldest tends to get lots asked of her. If ever there's an issue in the family she's the one everyone turns to. So, Trouble calls Mom and asks her to take her to the grocery store because she has no way to get there since Grandma is out of town. Some how or other Trouble lost her car because even w/job she couldn't make the payments. Mom being Mom decided to take her to store. If it had been me I may just have told her to walk. Plenty of other people have had to do the same thing. Then late Sun evening we get the news about Grandmas brother. Mom was sick with everything going on and just wanted to rest. But NO! Trouble calls and asks of she can take her to return her kids to their dad. He is like an hour or so away. Mom once again goes to help.
This bothers me beyond belief. The treatment she gets from siblings that can't or won't get their lives together and keep relying on family helping family no matter what. Grandma doesn't have lots of money. The troublesome siblings are grown adults of middle age(ish). My understanding is they aren't really helpful to her and live pretty much free with her. I know that some of the siblings, Mom included, puts money in her bank account to help out. Those that can't help with money help in other ways, I'm sure. They're all responsible adults and love and respect their mom. This to me is the way it is supposed to be. Parents take care of us when we are little and sometimes when we are grown. Is it too much to ask that we do the same for them when they are in need?
I have watched Mom make herself ill over the drama that goes on in the family. It kills me that I cannot do much more than hug her and pray for her and them all. maybe the biggest thing I can do is help ease the burden here at our house. No, I don't particularly like the extra laundry. It's one less thing she has to worry about and maybe that helps in some way. Or make her laugh when I hear sadness in her voice and ask if I can help and she says no it's just family stuff. I made her laugh by telling her to smack them, might not help but will make you feel better. She laughed. It was music to my ears.
I think it's just selfishness that has Trouble acting this way and not caring that her mother is now the only one left of her family line. I know how that feels. I wish someone would decide to sit the troublesome siblings down and have that chat with them. The one where you say we love you but we can no longer support you if you continue to act this way. Tough love stuff. But that's just me.
It's still a shame that at this time when Grandma needs all the support she can get that others are making it all about them. I hope they appreciate it but I doubt it.
As for Mom, I may not be able to take away her worries or her burdens. At same time, it's not my responsibility. That doesn't keep me from helping out where I can, even if it's just extra laundry. Or praying for her and all of them.
(as defined by Rach. You can find her over at It's all her fault.....*wink* )
Funny how family makes one feel F.I.N.E on a consistent basis.
Okay so it's true. Most of us can't choose our family. Sure you choose your spouse but then their family becomes your family. If you're lucky you have a family you love and don't mind being around. Yes, this goes for in laws.
I'm blessed. I truly love my in laws even though we are vastly different in a lot of ways and some times (ok, often) butt heads. They are like my own just as I am to them. This goes beyond the love/respect that is between the bearers of the grandchildren.
Right now, I wish I could do more for Mom aka Nana aka MIL. There's been a lot of drama going on. Not, I'm not privy to all that's going on but it's the same crap that always tends to happen surrounding 2 of the 7 siblings. Of course one of the 2 is now pulling her stunts again, we'll call her Trouble (not original but fits). Only this time it's at the worst moment. Grandma's brother past away over the weekend. She left last week to be with him. Hubby and I (ok hubby) took Grandma to get new tires on her car so she could safely make the trip. Grandma didn't have the money to replace tires. Mom/Dad didn't have it either. She asked us if (ok Dave) would help Grandma out. We were willing and able. Not expecting anything in return. Just helping where we can. We found out later that Grandma told Mom that she'd pay us back. She told her the same thing Dave told her, we didn't want/expect repayment. Grandma told Mom that God would bless us.
Well, since Grandma was out of town apparently Trouble needed help. Mom being the oldest tends to get lots asked of her. If ever there's an issue in the family she's the one everyone turns to. So, Trouble calls Mom and asks her to take her to the grocery store because she has no way to get there since Grandma is out of town. Some how or other Trouble lost her car because even w/job she couldn't make the payments. Mom being Mom decided to take her to store. If it had been me I may just have told her to walk. Plenty of other people have had to do the same thing. Then late Sun evening we get the news about Grandmas brother. Mom was sick with everything going on and just wanted to rest. But NO! Trouble calls and asks of she can take her to return her kids to their dad. He is like an hour or so away. Mom once again goes to help.
This bothers me beyond belief. The treatment she gets from siblings that can't or won't get their lives together and keep relying on family helping family no matter what. Grandma doesn't have lots of money. The troublesome siblings are grown adults of middle age(ish). My understanding is they aren't really helpful to her and live pretty much free with her. I know that some of the siblings, Mom included, puts money in her bank account to help out. Those that can't help with money help in other ways, I'm sure. They're all responsible adults and love and respect their mom. This to me is the way it is supposed to be. Parents take care of us when we are little and sometimes when we are grown. Is it too much to ask that we do the same for them when they are in need?
I have watched Mom make herself ill over the drama that goes on in the family. It kills me that I cannot do much more than hug her and pray for her and them all. maybe the biggest thing I can do is help ease the burden here at our house. No, I don't particularly like the extra laundry. It's one less thing she has to worry about and maybe that helps in some way. Or make her laugh when I hear sadness in her voice and ask if I can help and she says no it's just family stuff. I made her laugh by telling her to smack them, might not help but will make you feel better. She laughed. It was music to my ears.
I think it's just selfishness that has Trouble acting this way and not caring that her mother is now the only one left of her family line. I know how that feels. I wish someone would decide to sit the troublesome siblings down and have that chat with them. The one where you say we love you but we can no longer support you if you continue to act this way. Tough love stuff. But that's just me.
It's still a shame that at this time when Grandma needs all the support she can get that others are making it all about them. I hope they appreciate it but I doubt it.
As for Mom, I may not be able to take away her worries or her burdens. At same time, it's not my responsibility. That doesn't keep me from helping out where I can, even if it's just extra laundry. Or praying for her and all of them.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Issues w/Subscriptions
I must say that the title is a phrase that my BFF Rach (you might wanna check her out on her blog It's all her fault..... *wink* ) said one time and it has caught on like wildfire with us. I mean, what a perfect comeback to someone who tells you that you have issues! Granted the brillance wasn't from me but I happily borrow it from her and continue the spreading of it.
That said, the idea for this post was inspired by my loves me so much husband.
It all started so innocently. He had left to take big kids to school. Meg was still sleeping. I go to living room to watch my Fox4 news and waiting for the Tell It To Tim segment (it's done every Fri if Tim is there. It's viewer comments about news stories or what commentators are wearing etc...). It dawns on me that I need to read my email. But...iPad is charging, our room has no tv so using my comp is not an option. Suddenly I recall hubby has new lap top (a tiny inexpesnsive one that fits his coin collecting/selling need). I go to Pop's office and get that little lap top and plop a spot back in the living room.
It was all going so well til hubby got back home. First thing he does is walk in office and say, "Where's my computer?" I'm smiling to myself and tell him, "I have it in here." He was all like why? I tell him I'm checking my e-mail (really I'm just looking for my blog fix whether it is from comments to my blog or notices of blogs I subscribe to). Then he's all like, um what's wrong with your computer? I inform him that my iPad is charging and I want to watch TV and there is no TV in our room as he well knows. I also pointed out he regularly kidnaps my iPad for his use and this is only the 2nd time I'm using his comp. That quites him.
Takes me only a few minutes longer to finish up with e-mail checking. I tell him I'm done just let me sign out of my g mail. He tells me to just close it. I tell him he doesn't need my g mail it gets a lot of blog e-mails and some twitter and various other things. He says I have issues. (don't I know it) I say, "My issues have subscriptions baby."
As I'm putting away laundry and making beds (by now Meg is up and eating breakfast) I start to think, is it any wonder I have issues with subscriptions?
I mean we are now living with his parents.
My lovely dogs are being forced to stay outside in the backyard. Why? Because Daisy has happy pee issues and wouldn't be fair to let Casey stay in and leave Daisy alone. (not that I would, they're sisters and almost always together) Everytime I clean up Coco mess (MIL dog) I wonder why mine can't be in because of the pee issue but Coco is free to poo/pee in house with no consequences. I take her out regularly so it's not that. She even deigns to tell me when she needs to go most of the time. Her pee don't bother me. IT's the poo. That dog doesn't eat dog food. She eats weenies or ham mixes w/dog food (very little) or what mom is eating. Thus her poo often is of the loose (very loose) kind.
His mom is very OCD bout her house and everything must be perfectly cleaned at all times. I'm talking, like no toys spread out all over the place. So when evening comes and it's time for people to start getting home I and the kids go on a mad pick up the toys before anyone gets home yes I know it's not bed time yet dash. I feel like I spend less quality time with them because I spend so much more time cleaning and doing laundry. For this effort, I get rewarded with weekends off. So my kids only get my full attention 2 days a week? I'm sure there's little moments I don't even think about that they'll remember forever. I hope they do. Cause I feel like I'm not being the mom I want to be right now. I grew up w/single dad for years and was ignored by step mom 2 except when she was getting on my case bout something. (that's another story, really) So I knew as a mom I wanted to be more. I wanted my kids to know that I made time for them even if it meant putting off the dishes or some other chore. I sit down and take part in there silly to me discussions.
Then there's the BIL! He could drive a saint insane. Some days he's nice and fun to be round others his like Grumpy Bear on steroids and definitely not as cute and cuddly! Complains about noise kids make (this just in kids make noise to make them be quiet 24/7 is most impossible and wrong!) noise. Don't stay out late on Fri and Sat night and complain they woke you at 10an with their noise. I'm sorry, I keep them calm and quiet as long as possible on Saturday mornings but by mid morning, forget about it. Not to mention BIL loves to complain bout how far our car is parked in drive. Could you please pull closer to the garage, I don't want my truck in street. PALEEEASE! This from the guy who frequently parks his truck diagnonally cross the drive, not caring if anyone else can get out or in the drive. My car ain't new. It's a 94 Buick. I don't mind parking it in the street as I usually have to so we don't play merry go round cars too often.
Add to all the above that hubby is currently unemployed. The only money he makes is what little he gets from selling coins he bought way cheap God knows when. I know he's doing his best to find work. I know he could take a job at fast food joint or some other such place but we know the reality is that wouldn't be near enough. Then theres the worry about his glass ankles. One he just twisted (or maybe tore ligament) few weeks ago. That could affect getting hired somewhere, couldn't it?
And then there's Sean. Who delights in saying boobs every chance he gets. I'm sure it's all attention getting shock mommy to her toes stuff but still, he is 9! I tucked him in last night and when I said Good Night God Bless he said I just can't stop thinking bout boobs. I so wanted to bang my head in the nearest wall and then sit and cry. Instead, I went out back and gave dogs their meds. I sat awhile petting and talking to them. Missing them because they're not part of my in house life anymore and now I have to make time for them too. That leads to wondering if Sean would sleep better and not need to come sleep in our floor if Casey and Daisy (he's her boy) could sleep in the same room as him. Daisy used to sleep wherever Sean was. Even if he moved from his bed to the couch or the recliner. I wonder if some of his acting out is caused by the loss of Daisy in the house. Nothing I can do bout that but still...
I am grateful we are able to live here. Not free, we contribute but still it's a home. So don't get me wrong. I've kind of adjusted to the whole my life fits in one room thing. Though I do long for the day where I have space to put my things. The day where if I feel like doing light housework I won't feel guilty cause it's not perfectly presentable at all times clean. Living with 3 people who aren't used to the chaos a house of 3 kids and 2 dogs can bring. A house where I once again rule and don't feel judged or watched all the time. Grateful for friends like Rach who I can really talk to and say anything with no fear of not being understood. Who understand what some of it's like cause she's living it too or lived it.
So even though my issues may have subscriptions, in the end I'm still me and I have lots to be thankful for.
That said, the idea for this post was inspired by my loves me so much husband.
It all started so innocently. He had left to take big kids to school. Meg was still sleeping. I go to living room to watch my Fox4 news and waiting for the Tell It To Tim segment (it's done every Fri if Tim is there. It's viewer comments about news stories or what commentators are wearing etc...). It dawns on me that I need to read my email. But...iPad is charging, our room has no tv so using my comp is not an option. Suddenly I recall hubby has new lap top (a tiny inexpesnsive one that fits his coin collecting/selling need). I go to Pop's office and get that little lap top and plop a spot back in the living room.
It was all going so well til hubby got back home. First thing he does is walk in office and say, "Where's my computer?" I'm smiling to myself and tell him, "I have it in here." He was all like why? I tell him I'm checking my e-mail (really I'm just looking for my blog fix whether it is from comments to my blog or notices of blogs I subscribe to). Then he's all like, um what's wrong with your computer? I inform him that my iPad is charging and I want to watch TV and there is no TV in our room as he well knows. I also pointed out he regularly kidnaps my iPad for his use and this is only the 2nd time I'm using his comp. That quites him.
Takes me only a few minutes longer to finish up with e-mail checking. I tell him I'm done just let me sign out of my g mail. He tells me to just close it. I tell him he doesn't need my g mail it gets a lot of blog e-mails and some twitter and various other things. He says I have issues. (don't I know it) I say, "My issues have subscriptions baby."
As I'm putting away laundry and making beds (by now Meg is up and eating breakfast) I start to think, is it any wonder I have issues with subscriptions?
I mean we are now living with his parents.
My lovely dogs are being forced to stay outside in the backyard. Why? Because Daisy has happy pee issues and wouldn't be fair to let Casey stay in and leave Daisy alone. (not that I would, they're sisters and almost always together) Everytime I clean up Coco mess (MIL dog) I wonder why mine can't be in because of the pee issue but Coco is free to poo/pee in house with no consequences. I take her out regularly so it's not that. She even deigns to tell me when she needs to go most of the time. Her pee don't bother me. IT's the poo. That dog doesn't eat dog food. She eats weenies or ham mixes w/dog food (very little) or what mom is eating. Thus her poo often is of the loose (very loose) kind.
His mom is very OCD bout her house and everything must be perfectly cleaned at all times. I'm talking, like no toys spread out all over the place. So when evening comes and it's time for people to start getting home I and the kids go on a mad pick up the toys before anyone gets home yes I know it's not bed time yet dash. I feel like I spend less quality time with them because I spend so much more time cleaning and doing laundry. For this effort, I get rewarded with weekends off. So my kids only get my full attention 2 days a week? I'm sure there's little moments I don't even think about that they'll remember forever. I hope they do. Cause I feel like I'm not being the mom I want to be right now. I grew up w/single dad for years and was ignored by step mom 2 except when she was getting on my case bout something. (that's another story, really) So I knew as a mom I wanted to be more. I wanted my kids to know that I made time for them even if it meant putting off the dishes or some other chore. I sit down and take part in there silly to me discussions.
Then there's the BIL! He could drive a saint insane. Some days he's nice and fun to be round others his like Grumpy Bear on steroids and definitely not as cute and cuddly! Complains about noise kids make (this just in kids make noise to make them be quiet 24/7 is most impossible and wrong!) noise. Don't stay out late on Fri and Sat night and complain they woke you at 10an with their noise. I'm sorry, I keep them calm and quiet as long as possible on Saturday mornings but by mid morning, forget about it. Not to mention BIL loves to complain bout how far our car is parked in drive. Could you please pull closer to the garage, I don't want my truck in street. PALEEEASE! This from the guy who frequently parks his truck diagnonally cross the drive, not caring if anyone else can get out or in the drive. My car ain't new. It's a 94 Buick. I don't mind parking it in the street as I usually have to so we don't play merry go round cars too often.
Add to all the above that hubby is currently unemployed. The only money he makes is what little he gets from selling coins he bought way cheap God knows when. I know he's doing his best to find work. I know he could take a job at fast food joint or some other such place but we know the reality is that wouldn't be near enough. Then theres the worry about his glass ankles. One he just twisted (or maybe tore ligament) few weeks ago. That could affect getting hired somewhere, couldn't it?
And then there's Sean. Who delights in saying boobs every chance he gets. I'm sure it's all attention getting shock mommy to her toes stuff but still, he is 9! I tucked him in last night and when I said Good Night God Bless he said I just can't stop thinking bout boobs. I so wanted to bang my head in the nearest wall and then sit and cry. Instead, I went out back and gave dogs their meds. I sat awhile petting and talking to them. Missing them because they're not part of my in house life anymore and now I have to make time for them too. That leads to wondering if Sean would sleep better and not need to come sleep in our floor if Casey and Daisy (he's her boy) could sleep in the same room as him. Daisy used to sleep wherever Sean was. Even if he moved from his bed to the couch or the recliner. I wonder if some of his acting out is caused by the loss of Daisy in the house. Nothing I can do bout that but still...
I am grateful we are able to live here. Not free, we contribute but still it's a home. So don't get me wrong. I've kind of adjusted to the whole my life fits in one room thing. Though I do long for the day where I have space to put my things. The day where if I feel like doing light housework I won't feel guilty cause it's not perfectly presentable at all times clean. Living with 3 people who aren't used to the chaos a house of 3 kids and 2 dogs can bring. A house where I once again rule and don't feel judged or watched all the time. Grateful for friends like Rach who I can really talk to and say anything with no fear of not being understood. Who understand what some of it's like cause she's living it too or lived it.
So even though my issues may have subscriptions, in the end I'm still me and I have lots to be thankful for.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Writer's Workshop ~ My Purse Speaks Volumes
LOOK! It's my purse! Figured out how to add pictures to my blog! (After I posted this blog of course but stil YAY!) GO ME! (In the background there is my current tote bag. In it is just sunscreen, Tx Rangers tickets from April 3, & the letter that came with the tickets and info bout GS Day at the Ballpark)
5.) What do the contents of your handbag/purse “say” about you?
Here I sit looking at my lovely new purse I just bought yesterday. (No Worries it was on sale. Orig $38 Sale $19.99) My new had to get it purse is Turquoise. It's of medium size, I guess. It's a bit bigger than my Dooney & Burke (hubby found that one at Pawn Shop for $40, yes it's real) fits right under my arm pit (I'm sure it has actual description but don't get me lying to you bout what it is) purse. It's kinda fitted at the top and has daisy type flower on it.
For weeks, I've been meaning to switch to my Orchid Kathy Van Zeeland Shopper Bag (I think that's what it's called. Found it few years ago at Ross for $50). I was thinking , it's spring. Summers not far off. Really I should change purses. This one is being so used and abused with what I stuff in it. But it fits in my tote bag I carry some days when out and about on errands (especially if errands involve kids as tag a longs).
When I saw it yesterday I new the purse had to be mine. It had me written all over it. So what's in it? Let's find out together. I'll tell you along the way what I think each item says about me.
Cell Phone - Probably dead since I forgot to take it out and put on charger over night. Further inspection does indeed show it is dead. It's a smart phone w/a forgetful owner.
Dept Store Receipt - From yesterdays shopping adventure. Nice to know I put it in safe place.
Wallet - Matches the above mentioned arm pit purse. Maybe I should shop for one that matches my new bag. No money in it, only coins and various other things.
Zip Loc Sandwich Bags - HUH? Oh yeah, this held Sean and Bridgette's scout patches that needed to be sewed onto his shirt and her vest. Only safe way to store them and get them to the tailor.
DL Renewal w/Eye Dr Note (states I don't need corrective lenses as they wouldn't help) - Should really put that away with important papers. Received new DL in mail last wk, this paper really not needed in purse any more.
Small Brown Notebook w/Colored Circles - Not much jotted down in there, looks like Meggie's been using it for artwork. I may use it for occasinal note taking, like where I parked my car.
Sunglasses - Oakleys Breast Cancer Awareness hubby gave me 2 Christmases ago
$50 iTunes Gift Card - So that's where I put it. I do so like my music and the means to get it.
2 Year Planner Calendar - Just in case ph gives out. Mini Back Up to Home Wall Calendar. Gotta keep up w/all our appts. (Has sleeping puppy on it)
Pack of 5 Gum - Solstice Flavor. For those times when breath needs freshening or kids need some for whatever reason.
Bridgette's Ice Cream Social Ticket - Coming up in May for all GS who register during Early Bird Registration
Tailors Receipt - Already Pd in Advance so wouldn't accidentally spend the money to cover it. Pretty smart, sometimes. ;)
Mini Mag Lite Flashlight - Never know when that will be useful, even if it is just to entertain kids
Tube of Carmax - I hate chapped or dry lips. Also good for sore pierced ears.
Loreal Color Riche Lip Gloss - Color is Soft Wine. Neccessary for looking fresh even while on the go.
Pony Tail Holder - Brown. Never know when I may need an extra or one at all
Tampons and Pantyliners - Ever ready for moment mother nature sneaks up
Various Business Cards - Kids School, Sean's Psychiatrist, Veterinarians Card. Never know when I'll need these numbers, especially if cell is down.
2 Ball Point Pens & A Sharpie - Always prepared to jot things down.
Well, there you have it. The contents of my lovely purse in the order I pulled them out. With an entertaining introduction to my purse.
This was part of Mama Kats Writers Workshop.
The Prompts:
1.) The moment I realized I was a grown up.
2.) Based on their personalities, what do you think your children will be when they grow up?
3.) What I lack . . .
4.) A time you covered your tracks and avoided punishment.
5.) What do the contents of your handbag/purse “say” about you?
2.) Based on their personalities, what do you think your children will be when they grow up?
3.) What I lack . . .
4.) A time you covered your tracks and avoided punishment.
5.) What do the contents of your handbag/purse “say” about you?
If you would like to participate please see the link above and also post your link on my comments if you'd like.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Uncharted Waters
There are just days that words cannot describe. This, maybe isn't one of those days. I was thinking last night and again this morning about some how getting this out in some semblance of coherency. It may or may not come out/across that way.
The last couple of days with Sean have been rough, not on anyone but me but still *shrug*. Thank the Good Lord above that he hasn't had a cataclysmic meltdown of mammoth proportions. If we're blessed we may never see another of those or if we do it's long ways off.
I am openly honest to any and everyone about my son Sean. He's 9. He's the dearest sweetest boy alive (okay so I'm probably a little biased). He also has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (BPD) Mixed/Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)/Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD). The learning curve on this is HUGE! First of all, it's commonly refereed to as early onset bipolar since he's a kid. In kids keeping up with the swings is harder to catch, predict, and keep up with simply because they can swing easily and often.
The Beginning: We first started out with ADHD. That I understood. No, the teachers didn't approach me first. I did. I went to our Pedi and asked. After a few appointments and paperwork it was confirmed he was ADHD. This was in 1st grade! His notes home didn't seem right. His grades were horrid. He just couldn't seem to learn though I knew he was brighter than that. Then the issue became why isn't medicine and therapy working? His ADHD med dose got so high he was no longer my Sean. He was some stranger. This couldn't be right. I found a psychiatrist. Wouldn't they better understand than the Pedi? After months of putting up with negative results with the psychiatrist, I yet again sought more help. The therapist, helpful in pointing me in different avenues to seek better help. In second grade I finally had it with the psychiatrist who wasn't listening to my concerns. After 3 months he refused to change my sons meds even after he had bad swings on the meds he was on. I'm talking voilent outburst at me and teachers and kids at school. The psychiatrsit said it was too early to name any other issues with Sean and too early to treat. Even though and independent office had done an evaluation and deteremined he had mood disorder, most like bipolar mixed. He ended up in the hospital after walking out of our house at 6am on a Sunday morning because he was mad the girls got to stay at nana's and he didn't and he wanted to make sure they were okay. The hospital did what our psychiatrist should have. Of course, they were able to monitor him daily. They determined the steroid ADHD med was not helping his moods and in fact made them worse. They changed it. The mood stabilizer he was on was not helpful. They changed it. After leaving the hospital he was on 4 meds. A rather low amount for a bipolar kid. They also confirmed the bipolar mixed. They also added ODD. With their help he improved. We got better understanding of what we were dealing with. We felt more confident and empowered to seek better psychiatrist.
Present: We finally got one. With him, things started changing. He listened to us and to Sean. Slowly we were able to adjust him to only 2 meds. The violent episodes slowed. His school work and reports got better. He even took the change in schools when we moved rather well, for him that is. We did have some shouting matches and a day where I literally drug him to the car to show him I was in charge not him. Even if the school called me to come get him later. (they didn't, by the way.) I won! A small victory but still a win. He knew he couldn't throw a hissy and get his way just cause it was easier. Adjusting to life at Nana's was hard. We specifically asked them not to intervene with Sean unless asked. In past, they typically made things worse because Nana would cave.
Last 2 days: I swear Sean is out to kill me from a heart attack. I cannot seem to get it through to him that talking about boobs and sexual things is not right. I mean I get it. He's a boy. I knew these days would come. But he is thriving on the inappropriate and shock behavior even though he knows it's wrong. We've had the talk with him. (several times actually) We more closely monitor movies. (Nana let him watch whatever like Undercover Brother) But the last two days it's steadily increased. He tells me he saw so and so's boobs at school. (usually a teachers, no way he actually so them uncovered). He tells girls they're hot or sexy. He tells me he's having inappropriate dreams about girls and boobs.
I simply do not know how to address this. He knows it upsets me. I have asked him to please talk to his dad about these things cause Mommy just doesn't know what to tell him other than I don't think it's appropriate at your age to be this obsessed and I really don't know what to tell you about being a boy. Today while I was out back changing the dogs water and feeding them he looked straight at me and said, "I see boobs." Matter of factly. Like one might say the sky is blue. Last night while watching the Karate Kid (the new one) he kept saying I wanna say that word so bad. (ass) I just want to. I praised him for self monitoring and knowing that words like that were unacceptable. Nana/Pop were like why do you want to? I told them quietly he likes to shock and do things he knows to be wrong just to do it for reactions. This got me the yeah whatever look. The same one they give when they say he's just being a boy.
I am literally approaching my wits end. I just do not know what to do or say. And a blog I read this morning just made it come flooding to my mind. It became even more neccessary that I some how get this out of my system even if it's only here on my blog. Some days I feel like the worst failure. Like I caused all his issues and am making them worse. I am my own worst critic even though I know I'm on the right course. Right now, I feel like I'm lost. I pray about it. I talk to friends who understand. Yet, I still feel like I could totally handle his violence more than I can handle whatever it is he's going through now.
Thanks Mama Kat for you blog today Kid Land. (y'all really should read it) It some how helped me to find the words I needed. And the courage to put it on my blog.
The last couple of days with Sean have been rough, not on anyone but me but still *shrug*. Thank the Good Lord above that he hasn't had a cataclysmic meltdown of mammoth proportions. If we're blessed we may never see another of those or if we do it's long ways off.
I am openly honest to any and everyone about my son Sean. He's 9. He's the dearest sweetest boy alive (okay so I'm probably a little biased). He also has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (BPD) Mixed/Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)/Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD). The learning curve on this is HUGE! First of all, it's commonly refereed to as early onset bipolar since he's a kid. In kids keeping up with the swings is harder to catch, predict, and keep up with simply because they can swing easily and often.
The Beginning: We first started out with ADHD. That I understood. No, the teachers didn't approach me first. I did. I went to our Pedi and asked. After a few appointments and paperwork it was confirmed he was ADHD. This was in 1st grade! His notes home didn't seem right. His grades were horrid. He just couldn't seem to learn though I knew he was brighter than that. Then the issue became why isn't medicine and therapy working? His ADHD med dose got so high he was no longer my Sean. He was some stranger. This couldn't be right. I found a psychiatrist. Wouldn't they better understand than the Pedi? After months of putting up with negative results with the psychiatrist, I yet again sought more help. The therapist, helpful in pointing me in different avenues to seek better help. In second grade I finally had it with the psychiatrist who wasn't listening to my concerns. After 3 months he refused to change my sons meds even after he had bad swings on the meds he was on. I'm talking voilent outburst at me and teachers and kids at school. The psychiatrsit said it was too early to name any other issues with Sean and too early to treat. Even though and independent office had done an evaluation and deteremined he had mood disorder, most like bipolar mixed. He ended up in the hospital after walking out of our house at 6am on a Sunday morning because he was mad the girls got to stay at nana's and he didn't and he wanted to make sure they were okay. The hospital did what our psychiatrist should have. Of course, they were able to monitor him daily. They determined the steroid ADHD med was not helping his moods and in fact made them worse. They changed it. The mood stabilizer he was on was not helpful. They changed it. After leaving the hospital he was on 4 meds. A rather low amount for a bipolar kid. They also confirmed the bipolar mixed. They also added ODD. With their help he improved. We got better understanding of what we were dealing with. We felt more confident and empowered to seek better psychiatrist.
Present: We finally got one. With him, things started changing. He listened to us and to Sean. Slowly we were able to adjust him to only 2 meds. The violent episodes slowed. His school work and reports got better. He even took the change in schools when we moved rather well, for him that is. We did have some shouting matches and a day where I literally drug him to the car to show him I was in charge not him. Even if the school called me to come get him later. (they didn't, by the way.) I won! A small victory but still a win. He knew he couldn't throw a hissy and get his way just cause it was easier. Adjusting to life at Nana's was hard. We specifically asked them not to intervene with Sean unless asked. In past, they typically made things worse because Nana would cave.
Last 2 days: I swear Sean is out to kill me from a heart attack. I cannot seem to get it through to him that talking about boobs and sexual things is not right. I mean I get it. He's a boy. I knew these days would come. But he is thriving on the inappropriate and shock behavior even though he knows it's wrong. We've had the talk with him. (several times actually) We more closely monitor movies. (Nana let him watch whatever like Undercover Brother) But the last two days it's steadily increased. He tells me he saw so and so's boobs at school. (usually a teachers, no way he actually so them uncovered). He tells girls they're hot or sexy. He tells me he's having inappropriate dreams about girls and boobs.
I simply do not know how to address this. He knows it upsets me. I have asked him to please talk to his dad about these things cause Mommy just doesn't know what to tell him other than I don't think it's appropriate at your age to be this obsessed and I really don't know what to tell you about being a boy. Today while I was out back changing the dogs water and feeding them he looked straight at me and said, "I see boobs." Matter of factly. Like one might say the sky is blue. Last night while watching the Karate Kid (the new one) he kept saying I wanna say that word so bad. (ass) I just want to. I praised him for self monitoring and knowing that words like that were unacceptable. Nana/Pop were like why do you want to? I told them quietly he likes to shock and do things he knows to be wrong just to do it for reactions. This got me the yeah whatever look. The same one they give when they say he's just being a boy.
I am literally approaching my wits end. I just do not know what to do or say. And a blog I read this morning just made it come flooding to my mind. It became even more neccessary that I some how get this out of my system even if it's only here on my blog. Some days I feel like the worst failure. Like I caused all his issues and am making them worse. I am my own worst critic even though I know I'm on the right course. Right now, I feel like I'm lost. I pray about it. I talk to friends who understand. Yet, I still feel like I could totally handle his violence more than I can handle whatever it is he's going through now.
Thanks Mama Kat for you blog today Kid Land. (y'all really should read it) It some how helped me to find the words I needed. And the courage to put it on my blog.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Trampoline and The Water Hose
So, I saw this post idea at Mommy of a Monster and she got it from the red dress club. It's part of RemembeRed.
This is the first week I'm participating. The picture is of a garden hose in the yard. (I suppose it's a yard, where else would a garden hose be?)
Reading the post from Mommy of a Monster you may think I totally stole her idea. Fact is, her idea did inspire mine but with a twist.
As all kids of my time I spent lots of time outside exploring my world. (Note to those who have yet to inform your kids about fire ants, you should probably do so before they sit in fire ant bed in a bikini! anyways...) We lived out in the country, my daddy and step mom still live there, where there was plenty of roam and mischief to find (if you didn't mind a of more than say 50ft).
One year for Christmas, I think I was maybe 9, Santa brought me the trampoline I'd been wanting. Finally! All the kids in the area would deign to visit me for more than just my Atari! Of course, at least one other kid had a trampoline. Hmmm, what to do to get those kids to my place instead of that other kids house? I KNOW! Extreme Trampoline! As you may be aware, summers in Texas can be face melting hot! (I tried to think of better reference I really did) I said to myself, why not take the sprinkler off the hose and put the hose on the trampoline! GENIUS! Soon everyone was talking about my trampoline and how I was killing two birds with one stone! Having fun and staying cool at the same time!
We never once stopped to think about how dangerous it was to be on the trampoline w/o those blue pads covering the springs much less the added danger element of water to the surface. Nope, we were way too busy having a grand ole time in the blistering Texas heat. Well, for as long as daddy would allow me to run the water hose anyway.
It also had me fondly remembering the race car my daddy built for Cowtown Speedway. It was the Grey Ghost. It was AWESOME! I was an owners/mechanics daughter! I was AWESOME! I could go to the speedway every week and puff out my chest and say that's my daddy's car! He built it! A ex wrestler painted it! Every Friday I got to drag out the garden hose, bucket, & shop rags to was that car and earn a $1! Never seemed to occur to me how ridiculous it was to wash a car that was soon gonna look like it went muddin. (For those that don't know Cowtown is a dirt track). I'd wash that car and dry it and be so proud an honored that I could be a part of the crew. (so to speak)
I think of things like this when my oldest is whining he is bored and it's too hot to be outside. My inner parent and child scream in abject horror that kids today have no idea how to go out and have a clean fun time. I never ever (well almost never) was bored as a kid. I learned if the words I'm bored came outta my mouth I'd soon be given a chore to do and wishing I'd kept my big mouth shut. Now I know what my daddy meant by the good ole days, though I'm sure his definition and mine vary quite a lot.
This is the first week I'm participating. The picture is of a garden hose in the yard. (I suppose it's a yard, where else would a garden hose be?)
Reading the post from Mommy of a Monster you may think I totally stole her idea. Fact is, her idea did inspire mine but with a twist.
As all kids of my time I spent lots of time outside exploring my world. (Note to those who have yet to inform your kids about fire ants, you should probably do so before they sit in fire ant bed in a bikini! anyways...) We lived out in the country, my daddy and step mom still live there, where there was plenty of roam and mischief to find (if you didn't mind a of more than say 50ft).
One year for Christmas, I think I was maybe 9, Santa brought me the trampoline I'd been wanting. Finally! All the kids in the area would deign to visit me for more than just my Atari! Of course, at least one other kid had a trampoline. Hmmm, what to do to get those kids to my place instead of that other kids house? I KNOW! Extreme Trampoline! As you may be aware, summers in Texas can be face melting hot! (I tried to think of better reference I really did) I said to myself, why not take the sprinkler off the hose and put the hose on the trampoline! GENIUS! Soon everyone was talking about my trampoline and how I was killing two birds with one stone! Having fun and staying cool at the same time!
We never once stopped to think about how dangerous it was to be on the trampoline w/o those blue pads covering the springs much less the added danger element of water to the surface. Nope, we were way too busy having a grand ole time in the blistering Texas heat. Well, for as long as daddy would allow me to run the water hose anyway.
It also had me fondly remembering the race car my daddy built for Cowtown Speedway. It was the Grey Ghost. It was AWESOME! I was an owners/mechanics daughter! I was AWESOME! I could go to the speedway every week and puff out my chest and say that's my daddy's car! He built it! A ex wrestler painted it! Every Friday I got to drag out the garden hose, bucket, & shop rags to was that car and earn a $1! Never seemed to occur to me how ridiculous it was to wash a car that was soon gonna look like it went muddin. (For those that don't know Cowtown is a dirt track). I'd wash that car and dry it and be so proud an honored that I could be a part of the crew. (so to speak)
I think of things like this when my oldest is whining he is bored and it's too hot to be outside. My inner parent and child scream in abject horror that kids today have no idea how to go out and have a clean fun time. I never ever (well almost never) was bored as a kid. I learned if the words I'm bored came outta my mouth I'd soon be given a chore to do and wishing I'd kept my big mouth shut. Now I know what my daddy meant by the good ole days, though I'm sure his definition and mine vary quite a lot.
Migraine Madness
I'm not usually the self torturing type. If I hurt or have a problem I generally find a solution, eventually. I'm not above taking anything that might send a migraine running scared for it's life or show my anxiety attacks whose boss. Then there was last night.....
Last night I stupidly went to bed with a small headache and some mild tension. Did I take anything at this time? No. Why? (you might be asking yourself) I convinced myself that it was small and needed no medication, only rest. HA HA! Jokes on me! (Somewhere my BFF is shaking her head going WTF?!)
At somewhere around 2am ish I woke up tossing pillows across room willy nilly trying desperately to get comfortable and ignore the pounding in my head and the knots in my shoulder and neck. Did I get up, drag myself to kitchen to find relief? NO! Instead I told hubby to shut it up and let me be. (True story) After some tossing and turning with pillow picking up and rearranging then throwing across room again, I finally went back to sleep. So sure that all I needed was to get comfy and get few good Zs and when I woke angelic birds would greet me. This just shows you how out of it I had to be. Angelic Birds, really? UGH!
Enter 5 am. Where I again woke and the husband is telling me once again to go take something. No says I. I don't even know what to take. HUH?! I have yet to figure out why I told him that. Seriously, I know what is in the medicine cabinet and if all else fails Mom (MIL) is a nurse and would have something hidden in her cabinet if I needed it and asked for it. But instead of seeking relief, yet again, I pick up pillow that I apparently tossed onto my son in middle of night. (Why he's in my room, sleeping on the floor is a whole other show y'all) and go back to sleep.
6:45ish, Alarm Clock persists in reminding me that it is time to wake and get big kids off to school. I snooze w/my lovely husband who's put up w/me all night long and didn't shove a pill or tranquiler my direction. 7am, I stretch and drag myself to kids room to get Bridge up and start helping them get ready. Would've been spectacular feat if my lovely Bridge didn't wake up on Diva side of the bed. While they're getting up and at em, I finally give in and go and get migraine med out of cabinet along with what ever else it was Mom told me to take when these things occur.
Fantastic husband gets big kids to school and brings back an Amp to add extra Get On Outta Hear Migraine/Tension Headache kick! Then magic happens. Scant hour later I'm here posting this awesome blog. (I also posted Day 6 or 30 Day Music Challenge) Now to go and make the beds and start some laundry. (Wonder if I shoulda stayed in bed and moaned and groaned til hubby did those things? Maybe next time, poor man dealt w/my drama all night long.)
Last night I stupidly went to bed with a small headache and some mild tension. Did I take anything at this time? No. Why? (you might be asking yourself) I convinced myself that it was small and needed no medication, only rest. HA HA! Jokes on me! (Somewhere my BFF is shaking her head going WTF?!)
At somewhere around 2am ish I woke up tossing pillows across room willy nilly trying desperately to get comfortable and ignore the pounding in my head and the knots in my shoulder and neck. Did I get up, drag myself to kitchen to find relief? NO! Instead I told hubby to shut it up and let me be. (True story) After some tossing and turning with pillow picking up and rearranging then throwing across room again, I finally went back to sleep. So sure that all I needed was to get comfy and get few good Zs and when I woke angelic birds would greet me. This just shows you how out of it I had to be. Angelic Birds, really? UGH!
Enter 5 am. Where I again woke and the husband is telling me once again to go take something. No says I. I don't even know what to take. HUH?! I have yet to figure out why I told him that. Seriously, I know what is in the medicine cabinet and if all else fails Mom (MIL) is a nurse and would have something hidden in her cabinet if I needed it and asked for it. But instead of seeking relief, yet again, I pick up pillow that I apparently tossed onto my son in middle of night. (Why he's in my room, sleeping on the floor is a whole other show y'all) and go back to sleep.
6:45ish, Alarm Clock persists in reminding me that it is time to wake and get big kids off to school. I snooze w/my lovely husband who's put up w/me all night long and didn't shove a pill or tranquiler my direction. 7am, I stretch and drag myself to kids room to get Bridge up and start helping them get ready. Would've been spectacular feat if my lovely Bridge didn't wake up on Diva side of the bed. While they're getting up and at em, I finally give in and go and get migraine med out of cabinet along with what ever else it was Mom told me to take when these things occur.
Fantastic husband gets big kids to school and brings back an Amp to add extra Get On Outta Hear Migraine/Tension Headache kick! Then magic happens. Scant hour later I'm here posting this awesome blog. (I also posted Day 6 or 30 Day Music Challenge) Now to go and make the beds and start some laundry. (Wonder if I shoulda stayed in bed and moaned and groaned til hubby did those things? Maybe next time, poor man dealt w/my drama all night long.)
Friday, April 8, 2011
30 Day Song Challenge
Well now this should be very interesting. 30 days posting a song a day. If you'd like to participate please post your link in comments.
Let's GO!
First ~ This was not my idea. I saw it I Know, Write? by Corrine I also noticed there's a Facebook Page for it, too.
Second ~ The Rules are as follows:
day 01 - your favorite song
day 02 - your least favorite song
day 03 - a song that makes you happy
day 04 - a song that makes you sad
day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone
day 06 - a song that reminds you of somewhere
day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event
day 08 - a song that you know all the words to
day 09 - a song that you can dance to
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep
day 11 - a song from your favorite band
day 12 - a song from a band you hate
day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure
day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love
day 15 - a song that describes you
day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate
day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio
day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio
day 19 - a song from your favorite album
day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy
day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding
day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral
day 25 - a song that makes you laugh
day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument
day 27 - a song that you wish you could play
day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty
day 29 - a song from your childhood
day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year
Today (Fri April 8, 2011) it's a 2 for 1. I started to post on Thurs but Day 1 had me wading through songs for a long time.
DAY 1: My Favorite Song
What to pick? This one stumped me, yet it sounded so easy. I like so many songs. Of all the ones that came to mind I think this is at the top of my faves list:
Billy Joel ~ We Didn't Start the Fire
DAY 2: My Least Favorite Song
This was a no brainer. I've always hated this song even when it first came out and was popular.
Suzanne Vega ~ Tom's Diner
Day 3: A Song That Makes Me Happy
Zac Brown Band ~ Chicken Fried
Several songs make me happy but this is definitely one you just have to turn up and sing along with.
Day 4: A song That Makes Me Sad
Brad Praisley & Alison Krauss Whiskey Lullaby
Ever since I heard this song it has always haunted me. There are probably more obvious choices I could've went with. Other songs that make me feel sad but this is definitely the most haunting song I think I've ever heard.
Day 5: A Song That Reminds Of Someone
Cyndi Lauper ~ Girls Just Want To Have Fun
This song makes me think bout my BFF Rach and how much fun we always have when we get together. It never ceases to amaze me how much fun we have no matter what the circumstances that may bring us together. We're the kind of gals you see out and about and wonder what the heck has gotten into us. Guarantee you if I'm bawling my eyes out swearing the end of the world is imminent she will pull out all the stops to make me my annoyingly (to some) perky self again. Love Ya Rach! Muah!
Day 7: A Song That Reminds You of A Certain Event
UB40 ~ Red Red Wine
You're likely thinking that this reminds me of a time I got three sheets to the wind, maybe even the first time I did so. Guess What? You'd be wrong. SAY WHAT?! Yup, I said you'd be wrong. So what event does it remind me of? The time many, many years ago (1988 or so) that I jumped off the high dive at our community center pool. I did what I was sure was an awesome dive off the big scary board. I climb outta the water and run up to my best friend (no it wasn't Rach though she may have done the same thing) and said, "Did you see that?! How awesome was I?!" She says, "Oh My God! I didn't see it!." Me, "Really? Well watch, I'll do it again." So in the line I waited again. When my turn comes around, I climb up that ladder so sure I can conquer it again. I can dive off it again. SO WRONG! Oh I dived alright. Unfortunately, it turned out I miscalculated or something cause when I hit the water it was on my belly! What pain! What agony! How many people saw it? Oh My God my life is so over! This was the song playing on the radio over the speakers at the time of my unfortunate dive. I force myself to smile and go over to BFF who informs me, while laughing hysterically, that was so funny and how that must've hurt and by the way, I saw the first dive. I never attempted another dive from that board. Just regular jumps, cannon balls, etc...but no more diving from that board. Red red wine...almost everytime I hear it I relive that moment.
Day 8: A Song I know All the Words To
Miranda Lambert ~ Only Prettier
Oh yeah! Who doesn't know all the words to this song? OK, maybe few of y'all out there. This happens to be the first one to pop into my head. I'm sure I know the words to several other songs. (Well, as long as said song is playing)
Let's GO!
First ~ This was not my idea. I saw it I Know, Write? by Corrine I also noticed there's a Facebook Page for it, too.
Second ~ The Rules are as follows:
day 01 - your favorite song
day 02 - your least favorite song
day 03 - a song that makes you happy
day 04 - a song that makes you sad
day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone
day 06 - a song that reminds you of somewhere
day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event
day 08 - a song that you know all the words to
day 09 - a song that you can dance to
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep
day 11 - a song from your favorite band
day 12 - a song from a band you hate
day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure
day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love
day 15 - a song that describes you
day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate
day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio
day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio
day 19 - a song from your favorite album
day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy
day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding
day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral
day 25 - a song that makes you laugh
day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument
day 27 - a song that you wish you could play
day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty
day 29 - a song from your childhood
day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year
Today (Fri April 8, 2011) it's a 2 for 1. I started to post on Thurs but Day 1 had me wading through songs for a long time.
DAY 1: My Favorite Song
What to pick? This one stumped me, yet it sounded so easy. I like so many songs. Of all the ones that came to mind I think this is at the top of my faves list:
Billy Joel ~ We Didn't Start the Fire
DAY 2: My Least Favorite Song
This was a no brainer. I've always hated this song even when it first came out and was popular.
Suzanne Vega ~ Tom's Diner
Day 3: A Song That Makes Me Happy
Zac Brown Band ~ Chicken Fried
Several songs make me happy but this is definitely one you just have to turn up and sing along with.
Day 4: A song That Makes Me Sad
Brad Praisley & Alison Krauss Whiskey Lullaby
Ever since I heard this song it has always haunted me. There are probably more obvious choices I could've went with. Other songs that make me feel sad but this is definitely the most haunting song I think I've ever heard.
Day 5: A Song That Reminds Of Someone
Cyndi Lauper ~ Girls Just Want To Have Fun
This song makes me think bout my BFF Rach and how much fun we always have when we get together. It never ceases to amaze me how much fun we have no matter what the circumstances that may bring us together. We're the kind of gals you see out and about and wonder what the heck has gotten into us. Guarantee you if I'm bawling my eyes out swearing the end of the world is imminent she will pull out all the stops to make me my annoyingly (to some) perky self again. Love Ya Rach! Muah!
Day 6: A Song That Reminds You of Somewhere
The Poni Tails ~ Born To Late
Ok, so this is probably an odd choice. But this song reminds me of driving in the car with my daddy going wherever. In particular, reminds me of road trip to visit the grand parents (a 2 hour car ride!) On this particualr trip we learned that I now had allergy issues (gotta love TX). We stopped to get some medicine from the store. While daddy was talking to pharmacist, I saw an oldies tape set in cute little juke box holder and I just had to have it! No way was I leaving w/o it. (I was all of 8 or 9) No way could daddy tell me no. Man I wish I still had that set. I played those tapes over and over and learned every song that summer.
Day 7: A Song That Reminds You of A Certain Event
UB40 ~ Red Red Wine
You're likely thinking that this reminds me of a time I got three sheets to the wind, maybe even the first time I did so. Guess What? You'd be wrong. SAY WHAT?! Yup, I said you'd be wrong. So what event does it remind me of? The time many, many years ago (1988 or so) that I jumped off the high dive at our community center pool. I did what I was sure was an awesome dive off the big scary board. I climb outta the water and run up to my best friend (no it wasn't Rach though she may have done the same thing) and said, "Did you see that?! How awesome was I?!" She says, "Oh My God! I didn't see it!." Me, "Really? Well watch, I'll do it again." So in the line I waited again. When my turn comes around, I climb up that ladder so sure I can conquer it again. I can dive off it again. SO WRONG! Oh I dived alright. Unfortunately, it turned out I miscalculated or something cause when I hit the water it was on my belly! What pain! What agony! How many people saw it? Oh My God my life is so over! This was the song playing on the radio over the speakers at the time of my unfortunate dive. I force myself to smile and go over to BFF who informs me, while laughing hysterically, that was so funny and how that must've hurt and by the way, I saw the first dive. I never attempted another dive from that board. Just regular jumps, cannon balls, etc...but no more diving from that board. Red red wine...almost everytime I hear it I relive that moment.
Day 8: A Song I know All the Words To
Miranda Lambert ~ Only Prettier
Oh yeah! Who doesn't know all the words to this song? OK, maybe few of y'all out there. This happens to be the first one to pop into my head. I'm sure I know the words to several other songs. (Well, as long as said song is playing)
Day 9: A Song That I Can Dance To
Poison ~ Your Mama Don't Dance
LOL! I really don't dance well at all (ask anyone who knows me, I do a lot of faking it). I seriously considered putting up the Hokey Pokey or a slow dance song (cause who can't slow dance?). But then I thought again. I thought when I'm cleaning house to a mix of music I selected what is it I always bee bop to? This is the song that immediately came to mind.
Day 10: A Song That Makes Me Fall Asleep
Jane Monheit ~ Over the Rainbow
Anything of this nature relaxes me and helps me drift off but this is definitely at the top of the list. I just adore her voice.
Day 11: A Song From My Favorite Band
Bon Jovi ~ You Give Love A Bad Name
Again this is one of those that had me thinking. I mean seriously, I like so many bands. I think that Bon Jovi would have to be at the top (if not #1) of a list of great bands. I chose from rock since I posted a song from country band that makes me happy.
Day 12: A Song From A Band I Hate
Mettalica ~ For Whom The Bell Tolls
So I coulda picked anything of this genre. I picked the first metal band that came to mind and randomly picked the song.
Day 13: A Song That Is A Guilty Plesure
Spice Girls ~ Wannabe
Well now here's an interesting decision. I think it's all in what you consider a guilty pleasure, especially in a song to be. For me, as sill as it is or sounds it definitely has to be Spice Girls. It's not what I normally listen to but the dang thing is so catchy and you just have to dance (yes I dance even though I really can't) I know, I know...but there ya have it.
Day 14: A Song No OneWould Expect Me To Love
Sarah Brightman & Antonio Banderas ~ The Phantom of the Opera
Day 15: A Song That Describes Me
Lonestar ~ Unusually Usual
This song is quirky and a lot like moi. I also happen to like the Gilmore Girls TV show. This was the only video for this song I could find and want to post. So enjoy!
Day 16: A Song I Used To Love But Now Hate
Journey ~ Don't Stop Believing
I don't think I necessarily hate this song but it is a very close thing. Thanks to Glee (which I've barely ever watched, shocker I know) this song is now very overplayed. I do still like this song and the band I'm just a bit tired of hearing it almost all the time.
Day 18: A Song That I Wish I Heard on the Radio
Shawn Deena ~ Peace of Mind (acoustic)
So the song I have here is not on YouTube. Don't looked so shocked. He does have a YouTube video of a song titled See. I met this guy on twitter and he also happens to be a great guy and muscian. I think his voice is mesmerizing. I dare you to listen to this song and not think so. If you happen not to agree, well that's ok, too. Thanks Shawn for allowing me to link to your songs!
Shawn Deena Music
Day 19: A Song From My Favorite Album
Alan Jackson ~ Midnight in Montgomery
Seriously, I don't know what to say bout this song. I have just always like it. There's just something bout it. As for the album, it most recently is on Alan Jackson 34 Number Ones. Every song from that album is excellent.
Day 20: A Song I Listen To When I'm Angry
R.E.M. ~ Losing My Religion
Maybe not your typical "angry" song but it tends to be my go to song or at least my go to station on Pandora.
Day 21: Song I Play When I'm Sad
The Rolling Stones ~ Paint It Black
So this is another one that is a go to song on playlist or pandora station. Probably fits the category fairly well, too.
Day 22: Song I Play When I'm Happy
Sara Evans ~ As If
Yes, I'm aware this was supposed to be Day 21 but I mixed up my days. Oh wells. What I play when I'm happy is really random. But this song, definitely up there on the list. When I'm ecstatically happy I totally act as if the blue sky isn't gonna rain on me.
Day 23: A Song I Want Played At My Wedding
Chicago ~ You're the Inspiration
I interpreted this to be song played at my wedding since duh I'm married. Going on 15yrs now. Awesome, right? Yes, yes it is! Anyways, I didn't have a song played at my wedding. I was 18. Hubby was 20. We planned the thing in less than 2mos, if that. BUT on the ride to our reception at his parents house hubby did call local radio station (KVIL 103.7) to request/dedicate this song to me. I was totally (really totally) awed & flattered that'd he'd even think to call a radio station. The OMG part of it was when not long after I heard him, the dedication, and the song on the radio in our car! Makes me smile and tear up even now. LOVE YA HONEY!
Day 24: A Song I Want Played At My Funeral
U2 ~ Beautiful Day
How morbid is this thought? It's also another one that made me think. I definitely know I don't want sappy miss you songs or traditional type songs. I don't want people to be happy happy but neither do I want people so down they border on depressed. I thought something like Bon Jovi's Blaze of Glory. Then I realized I already had Bon Jovi on this list. Then I thought I'd like a song that people would totally know was me. Only it seemed inappropriate for a funeral. [Information Society ~What's On Your Mind (Pure Energy) ] That landed me with this song.
Day 25: A Song That Makes Me Laugh
Charlie Daniels Band ~ Uneasy Rider
This one needs no explanation as far as I'm concerned.
Day 26: A Song I Can Play on an Instrument
Joy To The World
Once upon a long (long) time ago I could play this on my little keyboard.
Day 27: A Song I Wish I Could Play
You Belong To Me
This version is by Patsy Cline. I have no idea why this song popped into my head as one I wish I could play. Maybe it's as simple as I like it.
Day 28: A Song That Makes Me Feel Guilty
Mark Wills ~ Don't Laugh At Laugh Me
There were times I was the kid being picked, lots of times. There were also times I was the one picking on someone. Why did I do it? Probably so others would leave me alone.
Day 29: A Song From My Childhood
New Kids On The Block ~ Hangin Tough
You know I just had to put NKOTB in this slot! This is the very first band (ok boy band, whatever) that I remember liking a lot. Sure there were other singers I coulda put here but back in Jr High this was it!
Day 30: Favorite Song At This Time Last Year
Lady Antebellum ~ Need You Now
This really needs no explaination. I still love this song and group.
Hope you enjoyed my 30 Day Song Challenge. I may have finished a day early or something. I don't know. LOL!
Day 14: A Song No OneWould Expect Me To Love
Sarah Brightman & Antonio Banderas ~ The Phantom of the Opera
Day 15: A Song That Describes Me
Lonestar ~ Unusually Usual
This song is quirky and a lot like moi. I also happen to like the Gilmore Girls TV show. This was the only video for this song I could find and want to post. So enjoy!
Day 16: A Song I Used To Love But Now Hate
Journey ~ Don't Stop Believing
I don't think I necessarily hate this song but it is a very close thing. Thanks to Glee (which I've barely ever watched, shocker I know) this song is now very overplayed. I do still like this song and the band I'm just a bit tired of hearing it almost all the time.
Day 17: A Song I hear Often On The Radio
Reba McEntire ~ Turn on the Radio
Love Reba! I hear this fairly often on the radio.
Day 18: A Song That I Wish I Heard on the Radio
Shawn Deena ~ Peace of Mind (acoustic)
So the song I have here is not on YouTube. Don't looked so shocked. He does have a YouTube video of a song titled See. I met this guy on twitter and he also happens to be a great guy and muscian. I think his voice is mesmerizing. I dare you to listen to this song and not think so. If you happen not to agree, well that's ok, too. Thanks Shawn for allowing me to link to your songs!
Shawn Deena Music
Day 19: A Song From My Favorite Album
Alan Jackson ~ Midnight in Montgomery
Seriously, I don't know what to say bout this song. I have just always like it. There's just something bout it. As for the album, it most recently is on Alan Jackson 34 Number Ones. Every song from that album is excellent.
Day 20: A Song I Listen To When I'm Angry
R.E.M. ~ Losing My Religion
Maybe not your typical "angry" song but it tends to be my go to song or at least my go to station on Pandora.
Day 21: Song I Play When I'm Sad
The Rolling Stones ~ Paint It Black
So this is another one that is a go to song on playlist or pandora station. Probably fits the category fairly well, too.
Day 22: Song I Play When I'm Happy
Sara Evans ~ As If
Yes, I'm aware this was supposed to be Day 21 but I mixed up my days. Oh wells. What I play when I'm happy is really random. But this song, definitely up there on the list. When I'm ecstatically happy I totally act as if the blue sky isn't gonna rain on me.
Day 23: A Song I Want Played At My Wedding
Chicago ~ You're the Inspiration
I interpreted this to be song played at my wedding since duh I'm married. Going on 15yrs now. Awesome, right? Yes, yes it is! Anyways, I didn't have a song played at my wedding. I was 18. Hubby was 20. We planned the thing in less than 2mos, if that. BUT on the ride to our reception at his parents house hubby did call local radio station (KVIL 103.7) to request/dedicate this song to me. I was totally (really totally) awed & flattered that'd he'd even think to call a radio station. The OMG part of it was when not long after I heard him, the dedication, and the song on the radio in our car! Makes me smile and tear up even now. LOVE YA HONEY!
Day 24: A Song I Want Played At My Funeral
U2 ~ Beautiful Day
How morbid is this thought? It's also another one that made me think. I definitely know I don't want sappy miss you songs or traditional type songs. I don't want people to be happy happy but neither do I want people so down they border on depressed. I thought something like Bon Jovi's Blaze of Glory. Then I realized I already had Bon Jovi on this list. Then I thought I'd like a song that people would totally know was me. Only it seemed inappropriate for a funeral. [Information Society ~What's On Your Mind (Pure Energy) ] That landed me with this song.
Day 25: A Song That Makes Me Laugh
Charlie Daniels Band ~ Uneasy Rider
This one needs no explanation as far as I'm concerned.
Day 26: A Song I Can Play on an Instrument
Joy To The World
Once upon a long (long) time ago I could play this on my little keyboard.
Day 27: A Song I Wish I Could Play
You Belong To Me
This version is by Patsy Cline. I have no idea why this song popped into my head as one I wish I could play. Maybe it's as simple as I like it.
Day 28: A Song That Makes Me Feel Guilty
Mark Wills ~ Don't Laugh At Laugh Me
There were times I was the kid being picked, lots of times. There were also times I was the one picking on someone. Why did I do it? Probably so others would leave me alone.
Day 29: A Song From My Childhood
New Kids On The Block ~ Hangin Tough
You know I just had to put NKOTB in this slot! This is the very first band (ok boy band, whatever) that I remember liking a lot. Sure there were other singers I coulda put here but back in Jr High this was it!
Day 30: Favorite Song At This Time Last Year
Lady Antebellum ~ Need You Now
This really needs no explaination. I still love this song and group.
Hope you enjoyed my 30 Day Song Challenge. I may have finished a day early or something. I don't know. LOL!
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