For whatever reason we've never gotten Santa pics. Something always seemed to prevent it. Sean was just too little for his 1st Christmas. Like days old. And that's probably the only acceptable reason. The less acceptable? Things like the line was too long and the kids just couldn't wait. Or lack of money, cause til this year I had no idea that the local Mrs. Barid's Santa was free. Then there was the Meg Terror of 2007. I wish I was kidding but no I am not. You've seen all the pics of crying, screaming babies/kids with Santa, yes? Well, when Meg was 12mos old she was having none of this Santa business. Who knew one so young could be so strong? The girl actually bruised me (forget the fact I tend to bruise easy) with the death grip and I am surprised her screams didn't send panic among the world. That started with only one step towards the jolly man in red. Nana even tried the come to Nana trick but no way was Meg letting go of me. All the screaming, crying, and death grip only ended when I walked away from Santa.
So, this year I was determined to get a Santa picture with all my kids before Sean got too old. Though I did see some teen boys sitting with Santa. Maybe they were coerced by their family? Who knows. Anyways, Rach told me bout the Mrs. Baird's Santa and I said I will meet y'all there.
That was several days ago. After that I was in a panic of what will they wear. Then on picture day it became get the girls hair done right. My girls took all this in stride. Sean, well he actually argued with me over his shirt. He wanted to wear a skull shirt and I said no way. We compromised and I told him he could wear the shirt of his choice to his birthday party later in the evening.
Once there the kids did awesome in minding and waiting. Really they did. It probably helped we got there about 30m before Santa was scheduled to start seeing kids. I even did put a little make up on the girls. Even Rach's daughter, who was shocked and totally happy I did. Mine were hilarious striking the pose and explaining that they get make up for special occasions.
The wait inside the tent was made easier by activities and treats for the kids. When it was our turn their was one small Meg incident. She walked up to Santa and then in a split second was behind me hiding for all she was worth. With some hugs and gentle coaxing she did decide to be brave and go see Santa.
The result?
See for yourself
Bridgette, Santa, Meghan, & Sean 2011 |
Mission Accomplished! Thanks Rach! I now know about this Santa and will likely take the girls again next year. Who knows, maybe Sean will still wanna see Santa, too. =D
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