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Drama Seekers!

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Friday, September 30, 2011

Riding the Wave, Sort Of

You know, I can't recall talking about TV Shows out and about in public before. But I did just that this past Wednesday.  Finally, I'm on the wave of being in the know. I could probably count on one hand how many times that's happened.

Like most people I talk about shows or movies with friends and family. Then came Twitter. So that added more people to talk with. I didn't so much talk about shows or movies too much on Facebook. Why? No idea? Funny how things like that happen.

So it was rather strange to me to be at the dog groomers to pick up Daisy and hear one of the two groomers in the room telling the other about New Girl. I joined in on this conversation and was practically animatedly telling the groomer who had no clue about this show my thoughts on it.

Later I thought about it and I was like WOW! Is the show buzz picking up steam or what?! I kept thinking how crazy it was that a show I was loving was being publicly talked about. Not that it doesn't happen, just that it doesn't when I'm out and about. Really, it doesn't. It was just so exciting. I can't explain why it was so exciting to me. Maybe the fact that I was finally semi knowledgeable about a new trendy thing.  Maybe I was still excited about the FOX VIP Klout Perk that enabled me to preview New Girl and Terra Nova before they aired. Maybe it was the left over excitement from the New Girl gear dropped on my porch last weekend containing my new fav tee (Adorkable on the front New Girl on the back), glasses like Jess wears, and a cute little tote. I had never ever dreamed to be trendy in that way. Hubs may not watch New Girl with me but he watches Terra Nova with me. Lord knows it beats Star Trek Voyager, which I only mention because that was the only Sci Fi type show I watched with him. Generally speaking, I'm not the Sci Fi kind of gal.

Being hip and up on the latest trend would hardly describe me. I'm one of those people that didn't know Harry Potter was a book series before it was a movie series. I was late to jump on the Friends phenomenon.  I've never been crazy about following fashion or anything. I'm just me. A jeans and tee shirt or shorts kind of gal. Waiting for the next Dallas Cowboys football game. I never cared if what I liked was popular or not. I just kept being me.

I really have no idea why I felt the need to share this or what I'm trying to say, for that matter. I just wanted to share it. My first experience of the excitement of finally being in the know about something that was popular. The last time I was close to that feeling was way back when a little show called Buffy the Vampire Slayer started. That was a rare exception to being on the wave before the wave really gained force. Only, I never talked about it with anyone and ending up defending myself for watching that show. If only that was the worst thing I had ever watched. It wasn't and isn't,  of course. *small giggle* But that's another story.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Vlog Talk ~ Stupid Pet Tricks

Below you'll meet my dogs Casey and Daisy. They're lovable bits of fluff and stuff. They love to get attention and even more they love to steal the spot light! ;)

This vlog is unedited and unembellished, as I couldn't get it from my camera ph to the computer.


Vlog Talk

P.S. I promise I said "sit" and not a four letter word 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Um, My 4 Year Old Is Talking About...

So I've been thinking...I know, I know. Everyone says that from time to time. For this particular topic I've been mulling it over mostly because a post by the lovely Tracy from sellabitmum has me wondering at my own girls.

Tracy recently wrote a blog post on how one of her lovely girly girl daughter has recently found the love of a pair of jeans. If you haven't read her post, you really should. While my girls have their share of girly girlness they do love their jeans.

I have no issues with this. I love that they love all types of clothes. Though, Meg does much prefer twirly dresses or skits, just not for school right now. But I am finding it hard to handle Meggie's newest obsession. What is it? Breasts. I know you just gasped. Imagine my reactions when she mentions she has them. She doesn't of course but she's seems obsessed about the having or getting them.

This summer she got her first bikini. It may have started with that one simple thing. As soon as she had it on she proudly walked out of the room and announced to everyone "I have boobies!" I could only watch in shock and somewhat in awe as she walked into Uncle's room and patted her chest and said "Look I have BOOBIES!" Laughter abounded by one and all. After it settled, I took Meggie aside and had little motherly discussion with my 4 year old how that kind of talk was not acceptable especially to boys.

Little did we know how often we'd hear this over and over. Thankfully, she seems more intent on discussing this with me, or sometimes Nana. Like after baths. Every time she says she has bobbies I point out she doesn't yet and tell her not to be in such a hurry to grow up.  To which se responds, "Well I almost have 'em, see?" I usually just smile and sigh. I can't really argue with that.

I didn't go through this at all with Bridge at Meg's age or even much at all for that matter. Nor do I recall ever talking bout breasts to or with them or in front of them. If we're being honest, I have a love hate relationship with my breasts. I may have mentioned in their hearing a time or two of my love of my cute butt jeans. Yet, they're not obsessed with their butts. Lord help me when they do start to wonder about how good their bodies look or don't look.

Growing up without a Mom I have no idea how to handle these things. For as much as I didn't get along with the step mom I had while growing from 10 to 18, I do appreciate she was around for the whole period thing. After having to go through training bra fiasco with Daddy I can only grimace at how he'd have handled the monthly visits from Flo. Anyways, I pretty much just take it one day at a time, one thing at a time.

For Bridge the talk of breasts just has her recalling how they were fed. She remembers me nursing Meggie and telling her she used to eat the same way. So she doesn't yet care about these mystical things called breasts. So, why does Meggie? I shudder to think that it may mean my baby girl is going to be a horrendous flirt.

So, like Tracy wondering if jeans means tube tops are next, I have a question of my own. What does Meggie's obsession mean? Where does an obsession of breasts at 4 years old go? Topless? Lord, I hope not.

I do know some day these discussions will be less cute and more in depth. I am not at all sure I meant to word it that way, hopefully you know what I mean.

Kids grow so fast. I know I am barely ready for the day the girls are serious about boys. Heck, Sean's closer to being interested in girls than my girls are to be interested in boys. Yet, I'm not all worried bout that, maybe I should be. I'm also sure I have no idea how to deal with that either.

See, where this talk of breasts by a 4 year old leads? It just has my mind racing with all the things to come I am not ready for. It's not at all like them crawling and me grimacing that walking is not far off. No, this is bigger than that.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I Need To Get Over Myself

So last week I went to the dentist. I had one wisdom tooth extracted. I am still in pain from it. Why? No idea but it is starting to wear thin. I feel the need to spill my guts here. I hope to do so in a manner that makes sense but it may not.

My hubs and I are blessed enough to have some really good friends. One of these friends graciously offered to help get my teeth taken care of. Due the cost of dental care we haven't been able to go. I have (or had) 2 wisdom teeth and a split tooth that bug me. The split tooth is rather new and bothered me for like a month or so. The wisdom teeth would bother me for like a week here or there and then go away to bother me another day.

So, when the offer came to have it taken care of I was over joyed and very. very thankful. Then came stupidity. I never like to feel that I am taking advantage of peoples generosity. That and the lack of sleep we've been experiencing lately led me to only having the tooth that was bothering me the most taken care of. I also, misunderstood, I thought once tooth was all I was there for. Seems silly to look back and know I thought that. At the time it was only the lower right wisdom tooth. The split tooth was really more of a nuisance. Now, the upper right wisdom tooth is bothering me a bit. It's hard to say cause where the one was extracted is still moderately painful.

Yesterday hubs was talking to our friends and they were like, "Why did she only have the one removed?" and "Why hasn't she called our office to say anything?" I was all like, cause I really don't want to complain or take advantage of their generosity. Y'all are probably given the screen the same incredulous stare hubs gave me and our friends gave the phone when hubs was talking to them. I just really had no idea what all hubs and they had discussed prior to my visit. I also still overwhelmed that someone was being so nice to us.

So, I guess the other reason I said nothing was I really have no idea how long an extracted wisdom tooth hurts. I was guessing at least a week since that's how much pain medicine was filled, a weeks worth.

I just feel incredibly stupid now. Of course, multiple visits cost more than one visit and could be seen as taking advantage. Also, I am still trying to figure out why I thought I was only going to be able to have one tooth taken care of. A little misunderstanding along the way, I think. I didn't feel right asking to have 2 wisdom teeth removed and what can we do bout the split tooth, doc? Also, when it comes to my needs, I'm not that assertive. I suffer no such issues when getting my kids taken care of. Strange, no? Maybe not.

Putting this in words on a screen isn't easy. Doing so makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with me. *sigh* I don't know. Other than I am in some crazy pain. To add the craziness, I think it's nearing that time of month again, lovely. (Sorry for the TMI but you ladies will totally get it)

I guess I don't do well with others being so generous. Literally, the dental visit wasn't costing us a thing. Only payment expected, hubs to grill for our friends. I am humbled and incredibly blessed to know such people. As I am sure hubs is, too.

The lack of sleep I believe led to some of this confusion, I hope it's stabilizing. Sean has finally seen our family dr and meds are being adjusted. The girls, I hope are hitting an even kiel. This last week has been nothing but kids drama left and right. Though, I suspect that's another post. The Sean thing, I'm still trying to find words for. The girls, well not so much. They're just having sinus/allergy issues complicated by a run of bad dreams.

I think, I'll get with hubs and our friends and see about one last dental visit and not be afraid of asking to have all wisdom teeth taken care of, I know the left sides are nearly as bad as the right ones, and ask about the split tooth. Like I said, the spilt one really isn't in pain it's just a nuisance. I realize, I should've said something to the dentist sooner. I just have to get over myself, I guess. That's hard for me to say, but it's true.

Apologies if this post is a bit discombobulated. I'm finding it difficult to talk about this dental thing. Not cause of the dental part so much as trying to talk about our friends without giving too much info, ya know? I hope this post made some sort of sense. I hope I can have the rest of my dental needs taken care of and not feel like I'm taking advantage of people.

Someday, I hope to be able to give just as much to help someone else out. There still is some good left in the world. It's nice to know that in this day and age. Nice to know that those kinds of people are out there, and have kids who have been taught this. With that, I close this post.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

So, We Think We Can Dance

A take on So, You Think You Can Dance for  #VlogTalk.
Watch as me and my crew dance for you, sort of. Hilarity ensues.

The music is Chantilly Lace by The Big Bopper. No copyright infringement intended. I have the song downloaded on my iTunes,  that is what I used to play the song.

Vlog Talk

You may need to check your computer volume!

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Art of Awesome

Ok, maybe that title is a bit much to live up to. I'm going with it anyways. While the iTunes plays random stuff, I'm gonna tell you a bit how I am sneaking in self confidence to my kids. Was that the right phrasing? Eh, whatever.

I have self confidence issues that still sneak up on me from time to time. Shocking? What? Don't we all? Now that I'm 33 I've found myself and my voice. Well, almost. What I mean is that I'm finding it easier to be more assertive but in a good way. (Not in the I'm gonna knock your teeth out way.) Be more me and not care what others think of me. I was that kid that wasn't quiet good enough for any group. Not popular, though I desperately wanted to. Outcasts, or whatever you want to call it, not so much. I apparently wasn't freaky enough for them. Nerd, oh hell no! Book Smart I was, but not enough, ya know? You might say that my group of friends was eclectic. Just a mix of different people who just liked to be with each other. Sadly, it seems that life has left me with one friend from those days. (You know no one tells you this will happen?) Anyways...

I don't want my kids to wonder about their worthiness to the world. I want them to feel that them being them is enough. It is. So, every morning I have the kids each say to their reflection in the mirror the following:

"Good Morning Beautiful/Handsome!! Today's going to be an AWESOME Day!!"

Now at first, I'm sure they thought I was off my rocker. They did it anyway. They're trusting like that and still young enough to join the crazy train with Mama.

Yesterday my son was taking to me about how I have them say, as he put, "...that awesome thing". This morning, he did it without me prompting. I hope it's catching. As many struggles as Sean, has and all of us really, I want this to catch. This tell yourself your AWESOME every morning to catch! I never want them to look in that mirror when they reach Jr High and wonder why the hell they bother, like I did. Like I still do, sometimes. I've found that not only is this helping them, but me too. Amazing!

So catch the AWESOME! Tell it to yourself every single day! Teach it to your kids! Lord knows that life is a series of ups and downs. Make sure they start the day with their AWESOME on board!

Just for fun! A little musical inspiration! ;D

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Writer's Workshop ~ First Day of School 2011

Sean 4th, Bridge 1st, Meggie PreK ~ Frist Day of School Aug 22, 2011

The first day of school is always emotion filled and then some. This year, it was more so.

After all the frantic shopping for supplies (5 stores y'all! cause stores were sold out of different sets of things) and making sure each kid was properly registered, shots, etc.... We were all ready for the First       Day of School.

Hubs took bets I'd cry. Why? All my kids are now in school all day. This is Meggie's first year. In this district Pre-Kindergarteners go all day. With Sean and Bridge, PreK was only 4 hours. So this was new for all of us.

The picture? Speaks volumes! Even though each had their own worries, not one showed in this picture. Just eagerness for the new school year.

Me? I think I've adjusted rather well to having no kids at home during the day. The emptiness I felt at the beginning is no more. I love having time with the hubs and running errands w/out any kiddos in tow.

This is the 3rd week of school for my kids. I still kinda miss my Meggie being with me but it's time for both of us to let go, a little. Meggie has adjusted well and loves her class and her teacher. Bridge, so far so good. Sean, doing okay. For Sean, it helps that he has the same Success Team/Resource teachers to assist him.

I may not have liked this move last year. In fact, I'm still hopeful we can have our own place soon, but I plan to stay in this district. For Sean. He's done so well here. If he can do that well, I know the girls will too, even if they could/would do well anywhere. Sean made such progress last year it was amazing!

Linking up w/Mama Kat

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Magic of Word of Mouth

I am telling you bout something you may already be aware of. Word of Mouth.

Have you ever stopped to think bout how often people tell you bout things? Not just things, but products they've discovered.

Countless times I am sure.

They come from all directions. In this day and time that can be actual word of mouth from a pal on the phone or right next to you, research on your own, OR social media.

As crazy as it sounds this just hit me today as I was in the shower. Amazing how often enlightenment happens in the shower. And in this case, it is so fitting that the shower is where this thought came to me.

There on the shower caddy was my girls new shampoo and conditioner. The other stuff shoved in a cabinet for emergency back up purposes only.

It started on Facebook over a week ago. I noticed a posting by my niece about how much she was loving her daughter's new shampoo. This post got me to asking her where I could buy it. This was after one of her fiends talked bout how awesome it was for her kid too! That's 2 word of mouth raves bout this stuff!

I was told Wal Mart. Sadly, our Wal Mart didn't have it. Nor did any other store here. A few days later, I found it at our HEB. (That's a grocery store for those of y'all not familiar with it.) I won't lie, the price ($3.50 a bottle) nearly put me off on it. BUT I told myself what if this stuff is that awesome? What if I didn't need gobs of leave in conditioner/de-tangler just to comb the girls hair after baths and in the morning? So, I put in the cart. Then, I took a picture of it saying I had finally found it.

Didn't take long before my niece was reassuring me I'd love it and she was glad I found it.

That night I was in love with the stuff. Yes, already I was loving it. Almost week later, even more so. It was only a day or so before I told my sister about it. Knowing her girls, like my niece's daughter, had very curly hair. The HEB is a special trip for her as it's no where close to where she lives. It's literally on the other side of town. But she told me via Facebook that she may love the stuff, too! Which means she went to find it on my recommendation. Word of Mouth is so freaking AWESOME!

So ya see how it worked? How it's always worked? Only more so in this day and age. If not let me recap:

Niece talks bout awesome kids shampoo on Facebook.
I start hunting it down on her recommendation.
I tell my sis and my BFF.
Sis buys the stuff, too. BFF, her daughter has to use special shampoo for scalp condition.

Word of mouth.

Even my MIL is like, I want some. I've even thought about using it on my hair, too. I settle for just telling anyone I know who has kids about this stuff.

I used to use a 2 in 1 shampoo that smelled great. Still, always needed leave in conditioner/de-tangler for em. Also used my shampoo and conditioner on em a few times too. But kids, always prefer their own stuff. Preferably in easy to handle bottles.

What is this amazing stuff?

Monkey Brains.

No, you didn't misread that. It's called Monkey Brains. It comes it a yellow banana shaped bottles. If you currently struggle with combing/brushing your kids hair maybe this stuff is for you.

If you'd like to learn more you can visit the Moneky Brains Web Site. On their web site you can learn more bout their products and where a store near you is selling their stuff.
They're on Twitter @monkeybrains4u and Facebook Monkey Brains Hair, too. 

Just So We're Clear:

This Post is Not Sponsored by anyone, company, etc.... (I don't even know how that works.)
This is just me talking about word of mouth and how often it influences what we buy and recommend ourselves. 

MsPDrama Fire Alarm PSA

 Yes, I'm seriously posting this blog/vlog as a PSA! You may thank me some day. Your neighbors may thank me. It could happen. Apologies for looking a hot mess. I think it keeps the reality in the drama. No?


EDIT: There are 7 total Fire Alarms in this house. Apparently only 4 were trouble makers. Hubs is changing the batteries in all the ones we can reach.

Also, has been brought to our attention that Fire Alarms also have expiration dates. Like car seats. They are only meant to be used for X amount of years.  So make sure yours are in date every year. If there in date replace the batteries every year. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Vlog Talk ~ How I Spent Labor Day

So I've been on a bit of a blog vacation. I just haven't had the time or topics. Something to do with kids getting sick the first week of school. The second week was just as crazy minus the sick part but toss in dentist visit for all kids and Curriculum Night at the their school.

ANYWAYS....Thank God and for  JessicaElena, and Vlog Talk! I'm inspired to get off my lazy non-blogging butt (is that what I meant to say? We'll just go with it)!

The Prompts/Topics

1) How did you spend Labor Day weekend?
2) Who do people say your kids look like and what do you think? (Submitted by @TeresaThinks)    
3) What would you do with your days if you didn’t blog anymore?

Vlog Talk

I am going with how I spent my Labor Day Weekend. Why? Sounded like the prompt for me. Plus, I think the kids resemble me but if you're talking famous people then I'm clueless. As for what I'd do if I didn't blog? I don't think I blog enough to say what I'd do if I didn't blog.

 Little different type of Vlog for me. Enjoy!

I googled all images by looking up laundry, kids fight, sleeping, and I forget what else. As soon as I remember I should post the links, right?